男子在36000英尺高空机舱跑半程马拉松 为抗癌筹集资金
男子在36000英尺高空机舱跑半程马拉松 为抗癌筹集资金

To raise money for cancer support, Henry Kehr ran 20 kilometres inside an empty plane at 36,000 feet. The young man travelled on an eight-hour flight from Atlanta to London in order to complete a half marathon for charity.
Talking about it on Instagram, Henry wrote that it was some of his colleagues who inspired him to take up the challenge. His passion for health, happiness, and fitness have always been a huge part of his life, and now it has become more important than ever, he wrote. 
“This year has been hugely difficult for everyone, especially those in the aviation industry. The COVID-19 has had a huge effect on the support of many charities with a lack of fund-raising events so I thought I would try and raise some money for a few charities close to me,” Henry wrote. 
Henry said that his mother passed away because of cancer two years ago. He also said that she has always been his inspiration, and taking part in the challenge would be a way to fly high with her as she used to be a cabin crew member herself. “My mum passed away 2 years ago from cancer which changed my life forever. She was cabin crew years before bringing me into the world and by undertaking this challenge, I will be flying high with her every step of the way,” Henry wrote.
He mentioned that this was a different experience for him, “I have run many different races in the past including marathons but nothing quite as crazy as this”. Henry completed the 20-km run in just two hours and 37 minutes to raise over $1,300 in the memory of his beloved mother. People like Henry are an inspiration.


1.What’s the purpose for Henry Kehr to run inside the plane?

A To start a new challenge.

B To break the world’s record.

C To raise money for the charity.

D To attract more airline passengers.


2.Who encouraged Henry to complete 20 kilometres in the air?

A His mother.

B His colleagues.

C A crew member.

D Someone like Henry.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句Talking about it on Instagram, Henry wrote that it was some of his colleagues who inspired him to take up the challenge.可知,亨利在Instagram上写道,是他的一些同事激励他接受挑战的,故选B。

3.Which is not true about Henry’s mother?

A She died of cancer in 2018.

B She used to work on the plane.

C She also liked running a half marathon.

D She will live in the heart of Henry forever.


4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Henry has tried different races on the plane before.

B Henry’s mother set a good example for him on charities.

C Henry would like to devote his life to fund-raising activities.

D The COVID-19 affected the airline company and charity events.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段This year has been hugely difficult for everyone, especially those in the aviation industry. The COVID-19 has had a huge effect on the support of many charities with a lack of fund-raising events...可知,今年对每个人来说都是非常困难的,尤其是航空业的人。由于缺乏筹款活动,COVID-19对许多慈善机构的支持产生了巨大影响。由此推断COVID-19影响了航空公司和慈善活动,故选D。