印尼村民纷纷排队躺铁轨 声称可治愈疾病
印尼村民纷纷排队躺铁轨 声称可治愈疾病

In certain situations, alternative medicine or treatment, which can be used instead of something else, can play an important role in a personal fight against certain illnesses. However, a part of these are unproven and can be dangerous as the practice is not supported by proper research. From eating bear claws to wearing tiger teeth as a necklace, the health benefits behind all of these are still unclear and can be bad for the environment as well.
Every culture has its own set of alternative medicine or treatment. Recently, in Indonesia, there’s a form of treatment which is said to have already improved the health of the locals there. So what do they need to do actually? Simple! Just lay down on the train tracks. In the province of Rawa Buaya, West Jakarta, it was found that many villagers are going through a form of “therapy”(治疗) by sleeping on the train tracks. They will begin the treatment from late in the afternoon to early evening when the sun begins to set. It is said that the small amount of electrical current that runs through the tracks will help cure some illness.
However, their actions were objected by the government as the voltage(电压) that runs through the tracks cannot be known and might affect their body instead. I would like to advise those who are interested in going for alternative therapy, please pay more attention to it and really find out the facts behind those treatments. You might be putting your life in danger.


1.How many forms of therapy are mentioned in the passage?

A 1.

B 2.

C 3.

D 4.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段From eating bear claws to wearing tiger teeth on a necklace以及第二段it was found that many villagers are going through a form of “therapy” by sleeping on the train tracks.可知,文中提及了食用熊掌、戴上虎牙项链以及躺轨道三种疗法,故选C。

2.When will Indonesians probably lie down on the train tracks?

A From 6 a.m. to 8 a.m.

B From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

C From 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

D From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第二段倒数第二句They will begin the treatment from late in the afternoon to early evening when the sun begins to set.可知,他们将从下午晚些时候到太阳开始下山时开始治疗。由此推断时间范围大体为下午4点到傍晚6点,故选C。

3.The underlined word “objected” means _______ in Chinese.

A 同意

B 反对

C 采纳

D 尝试

解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据文章关键词However, cannot be known and might affect their body instead,因为通过磁道的电压是无法得知的,可能会影响他们的健康,可知这种行为政府是反对的,故object作动词,意为“反对”,故选B。

4.What does the writer want to tell us?

A Never risk our health to try dangerous treatments.

B Villagers’ new therapy has proved effective on illnesses.

C The government suggested practicing the therapy slowly.

D There may be something bad behind traditional cultures.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段...please pay more attention to it and really find out the facts behind those treatments. You might be putting your life in danger.可知,作者建议人们要多加注意,并真正找出这些治疗背后的真相。因为他们可能会把自己的生命置于危险之中,由此看出作者是想让我们不要拿我们的健康冒险去尝试危险的治疗,故选A。