谷歌研发新地震警报系统 手机秒变地震仪
谷歌研发新地震警报系统 手机秒变地震仪

Android phones will be used to sense earthquakes around the world and may one day be able to provide global warnings, with the first mass alert system unveiled on August 11th in California, Google announced.
Google, which helped develop Android, worked with California and the US Geological Survey to build the quake alerts into all phones that run the common mobile operating system. Android users who have enabled location services and are near a quake of magnitude 4.5 or greater will receive a full-screen earthquake warning telling them to drop to the floor and seek cover. The screen also will provide estimates of the quake’s magnitude and distance from the user. Depending on their distance from a quake, people could get several seconds or perhaps a minute of warning.
Users won’t need to download California’s MyShake app in order to receive the alerts. That application, developed by the University of California, Berkeley and launched last year, has been downloaded by only about 1 million of California’s 40 million residents. By contrast, many millions of people own Android phones.
"This announcement means that California’s world-class earthquake early warning system will be a standard function on every Android phone — giving millions precious seconds to drop, cover and hold on when the big one hits,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a statement. IPhone users won’t receive the alerts through Apple’s operating system, but they can download the MyShake app.
Also, Google announced that Android phones will begin detecting earthquakes from around the world through their motion-sensing accelerometers. "Your Android phone can be a mini-seismometer, joining millions of other Android phones out there to form the world’s largest earthquake detection network,” according to a Google blog post. More than 2 billion devices run the Android operating system. Hundreds of millions of people live in earthquake-prone areas. But many countries lack the resources to build detection and alert systems, Google said. The information will be used at first to provide fast and accurate information on Google Search. But Google said it could begin sending out earthquake alerts next year.


1.You will benefit from the earthquake warning system if ______.

A you have a smart phone

B you are an Android user

C you are a resident in California

D you give up using MyShake app

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句Google, which helped develop Android, worked with California and the US Geological Survey to build the quake alerts into all phones that run the common mobile operating system.可知,安卓手机的研发公司谷歌与加州和美国地质调查所合作,在所有运行安卓操作系统的手机中植入了地震警报系统,故选B。

2.The earthquake early warning system will NOT tell us _______.

A what to do during the earthquake

B how far the earthquake is from us

C what the size of an earthquake is

D where the nearest escape exit is

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段…a full-screen earthquake warning telling them to drop to the floor and seek cover. The screen also will provide estimates of the quake’s magnitude and distance from the user. 可知,全屏显示的地震警报告知他们伏在地上,寻找掩护。手机屏幕还会显示预估的震级以及地震发生地与用户的距离。文中未提及告知用户最近的逃生出口在哪里,故选D。

3.What is Google’s final ambition?

A To make more devices run the Android operating system.

B To build up the worldwide earthquake detection network.

C To provide the earthquake information for the global people.

D To promote the use of Google Search all over the country.

解析:选B。3.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Also, Google announced that Android phones will begin detecting earthquakes from around the world through their motion-sensing accelerometers. "Your Android phone can be a mini-seismometer, joining millions of other Android phones out there to form the world’s largest earthquake detection network,” 可知,谷歌还宣布,安卓手机将开始通过动作感应加速器来感应世界各地的地震。“你的安卓手机可以作为一个小型地震仪,和其他数百万安卓手机连在一起形成全世界最大的地震监测网络。”由此推测谷歌最终想建立全球地震探测网络,故选B。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A The earthquake warning system covers California at present.

B Google Search has conducted tests on global earthquake warnings.

C Apple company is seeking more cooperation with Google in systems.

D More and more people intend to use Android phones instead of IPhones.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第四段This announcement means that California’s world-class earthquake early warning system will be a standard function on every Android phone …可知,这一公告意味着加州的世界级地震预警系统将是每个安卓手机的一个标准功能,由此推断目前,地震预警系统覆盖加州,故选A。