因28年前一句承诺 美国男子和朋友平分1.5亿大奖
因28年前一句承诺 美国男子和朋友平分1.5亿大奖

Nearly 30 years ago, good friends Tom Cook and Joseph Feeney shook hands and agreed to share any future lottery(彩票) winnings. It was 1992, and they each went on to play weekly. This month, Cook was able to make good on their promise with half of a $22 million Powerball win on a ticket that he bought in June at Synergy Coop in Menomonie, Wisconsin.
“It was quite an experience when I read those first three numbers and kind of froze, and handed them to her,” Cook said, gesturing toward his wife, who was on hand. “And she froze.” When Cook called Feeney with the news, Feeney didn’t quite believe it, either.
“He called me and I said, ‘Are you joking?’ ” Feeney said. “We said whenever the big winner comes, we were going to share it. So we buy every week, not really thinking it would happen.” 
Feeney is a retired firefighter, but Cook took the opportunity to say goodbye to the working life and retired from his job. They chose the cash option of about $16.7 million and took home about $5.7 million each after taxes, the Wisconsin Lottery Commission said. “I have grandchildren, great grandchildren,” Cook said. “I can’t think of a better way to retire.” And, of course, they’ll keep playing. 


1.What’s the promise between Cook and Feeney?

A They will not work any more.

B They will always be good friends.

C They will buy the lottery ticket together.

D They will share the winnings.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句Nearly 30 years ago, long-term good friends Tom Cook and Joseph Feeney shook hands and agreed to share any future lottery winnings.可知,将近30年前,汤姆·库克和约瑟夫·费尼握手同意要共享未来的彩票奖金,故选D。

2.Cook’s wife was ______ when she was told the news.

A happy

B worried

C surprised

D excited

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第二段…“And she froze.” When Cook called Feeney with the news, Feeney didn’t quite believe it, either.可知,库克妻子听闻消息僵住了,当库克给菲尼打电话告诉他这个消息时,费尼也不太相信。由此推断库克妻子感到惊讶,故选C。

3.Which is NOT true about Cook?

A He stopped doing his job.

B He took home about $5.7 million.

C He bought lottery tickets every week.

D He would look after his children at home.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据最后一段“I have grandchildren, great grandchildren,” Cook said. “I can’t think of a better way to retire.”可知,库克表示他有孙子、曾孙。他想不出更好的退休方式了。由此可知他是想在退休之后,享受更多的家庭时光,而不是照顾自己的孩子,故选D。

4.What does the story tell us?

A Great minds think alike.

B Facts speak louder than words.

C Anyone should be as good as gold.

D A gentleman never goes back on his word.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,汤姆·库克(Tom Cook)和约瑟夫·费尼(Joseph Feeney)是一对好朋友。1992年,两人约定,如果他们其中的任何一个中了强力球头奖,都将平分这笔钱。而最终,幸运之神降临,他们兑现了自己的承诺,这正应征了这句话“君子一言,驷马难追”,故选D。