英国男子4年时间带着狗走了7000多公里 捡了50吨垃圾
英国男子4年时间带着狗走了7000多公里 捡了50吨垃圾

Army veteran Wayne Dixon and his dog Koda have collected 50 tons of rubbish so far on an epic litter pick around Britain.
Wayne, 47, along with Koda, eight, has already filled 10,000 bin bags and the pair are still only half way into their trip along the coastline. They set out from their home in Lancashire almost three years ago and have covered 3,500 miles so far after crossing off Scotland, Wales, Devon and Cornwall. They have now made their way along the South coast to Brighton where Wayne joined a party of litter pickers for the Silent Disco Beach Clean to help remove thousands more discarded items. The pair's series of walks are in memory of Wayne's father John, who died in 2012. Funds are being raised for the mental health charity Mind. John suffered a kind of disease for many years but was an avid walker and loved coastal paths.
Wayne, who is also backed by Keep Britain Tidy, said, "You would think the environmental message about the harm caused by littering would have hit home by now but people still discard rubbish on the beaches which then gets washed out to sea causing marine pollution. I'm halfway through my journey round the coast of Britain and I've been astonished with how much rubbish I have picked up. It is truly shocking that the message is still not getting to some people."
Amy Gibson, organiser of the Brighton clean-up, said, "Over 100 volunteers joined in and in just two hours we removed over 60 kilos of litter from the area in little over half a mile. Over 50,000 people visited Brighton beach on Saturday—the hottest day of the year so far—and we are in desperate need of more bins down there and for people to start taking ownership of their trash."
On his epic journey, Wayne has been giving talks to children in schools and community groups about the need to drum home the environmental message and stop littering.


1.What can we learn about Wayne?

A He trained his dog to help him pick litter.

B He once served as a community cleaner.

C His favourite sport is to walk along the coast.

D He completed an unbelievable mission to go green.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第一段可知,陆军老兵韦恩·迪克森和他的狗科目前为止收集了50吨垃圾,一个堪称史诗般的捡垃圾活动,由此看出他完成了一项令人难以置信的绿色环保任务, 故选D。

2.The purpose of Wayne’s walk is to _______.

A keep exercising and keep fit

B be in honor of his dead father

C raise money for the community

D promote environmental protection

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段The pair's series of walks are in memory of Wayne's father John, who died in 2012. 可知,韦恩和爱犬的一系列行走是为了纪念韦恩的父亲约翰,他于2012年去世,故选B。

3.What made Wayne shocked?

A No one would like to give him a helping hand.

B Tourists were blind to the litter in the attractions.

C More and more people only concerned their own affairs.

D Local people didn’t realized the seriousness of pollution.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段You would think the environmental message about the harm caused by littering would have hit home by now but people still discard rubbish on the beaches which then get washed out to sea causing marine pollution.可知,旁人会认为乱扔垃圾危害环境的相关情况现在应该已相当清楚了,但实际情况却是人们仍然在海滩上丢弃垃圾。由此说明当地人对污染的严重性一无所知,这使得韦恩感到非常震惊,故选D。

4.What is probably the urgent thing for Wayne to do?

A To set up more bins along the coastal areas.

B To call on more volunteers to remove the litter.

C To write a letter to the government to take action.

D To wake people to pay attention to the environmental protection.
