疫情再次来袭 法国新规:不戴口罩罚款!
疫情再次来袭 法国新规:不戴口罩罚款!

People in France must wear face masks in all enclosed public spaces during COVID-19(新冠病毒) outbreaks. They must wear masks on public transport, but from Monday they must wear them in places like shops. Anyone without a mask faces a fine of €135.
Health Minister Oliver Véran warned that France had between “400 and 500 active clusters(聚集)” of the virus. President Emmanuel Macron declared a “first victory” over the virus in June and has ended the national state of emergency, but local outbreaks remain.
There are a rising number of cases in the north-west and in eastern regions, especially in the north-western department of Mayenne. France, one of Europe’s hardest-hit countries, has recorded more than 200,000 infections(感染) and over 30,000 deaths since the start of the COVID-19.


1.People in France must wear masks in shops _______.

A from Monday

B from Tuesday

C from Wednesday

D from Thursday

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第一段They must wear masks on public transport, but from Monday they must wear them in places like shops. 可知从周一开始,法国人必须在商店戴口罩,故选A。

2.How many active clusters of the virus did France have?

A Between 200 and 300.

B Between 300 and 400.

C Between 400 and 500.

D Between 500 and 600.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段Health Minister Oliver Véran warned that France had between “400 and 500 active clusters” of the virus.可知法国有400到500起活跃的聚集性疫情,故选C。

3.When did France end the national state of emergency?

A In June.

B In July.

C In April.

D In May.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段President Emmanuel Macron declared a “first victory” over the virus in June and has ended the national state of emergency...可知法国在六月份已经结束了全国紧急状态,故选A。

4.Where did a rising number of cases in France happen?

A In the north-west regions.

B In eastern regions.

C In the south-west regions. D. Both A and B.

D Both A and B.

解析:选D。根据文章最后一段There are a rising number of cases in the north-west and in eastern regions.可知法国西北部和东部地区病例数量不断增加,故选D。