

Dancers often don’t eat too much food. They think they should keep thin, but in fact they should keep healthy. 

When dancers are dancing all day long, that’s not going to make them fat. It’s going to replenish what their bodies need.

So dancers should have enough breakfast. Once the dancers arrive at the theater, there’s little time for them to eat.

The time between shows can be as little as an hour and, after so much exercise, sometimes the dancers don’t want to eat. But dancers can eat some healthy food, like a banana, yogurt or some nuts.

The dancers drink sports drinks between shows, but never drink drinks with too much caffeine because they are good for people’s health. They should drink water before, during, and after dance classes.

For lunch, dancers can eat some chicken and tomatoes. For supper, red meat is good for them.  


1.Dancers often eat a little food because _______.

A they have no time to eat

B they don’t know what to eat

C they don’t know which food is healthy

D they don’t want to be fat

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,舞蹈家们通常吃得很少是因为他们不想变胖。

2.During the rest time, dancers can _______.

A eat a banana

B eat an egg

C drink drinks with much caffeine

D eat some red meat

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第四段内容可知,休息时间她们可以吃香蕉或者喝酸奶,或者吃点坚果。

3.Red meat is good for dancers for _______.

A breakfast

B lunch

C supper

D snack

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第六段第二句“For supper, red meat is good for them.”可知,晚餐的时候她们可以适当吃点红肉。

4.The writer thinks _______.

A dancers should keep fat

B dancers should eat little

C dancers should keep healthy

D only chicken and fruit are healthy food

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。本文第一段是文章的中心段,作者旨在告诉我们舞蹈家们应该注重保持健康而不是保持苗条。

5.This passage is mainly for ______.

A dancers

B teachers

C workers

D doctors

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。这篇文章主要是针对dancers的健康饮食展开的,所以这篇文章是写给她们的。