
Do you know there are two kinds of football games? One is American football, and the other is soccer. In China many young men like playing soccer. It is very popular. But the Chinese don’t call it soccer. They call it football. There are eleven players in each team. And the ball is round. Only the goalkeeper(守门员) can touch the ball with his hands. The other players can’t touch the ball with their hands.

In America, soccer is not very popular. They like playing American football. It is very different. The ball is not round. It is like a big egg. There are also eleven players in each team. All the players can touch the ball with both feet and hands.

1.There are _______ kinds of football games.

A three

B two

C four


解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一及第二句Do you know there are two kinds of football games? One is American football, and the other is soccer.可知,有两种足球比赛,故选B。

2.How many players are there in a soccer team?

A Eight.

B Eleven.

C Twenty.


解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第七句There are eleven players in each team.可知,一个足球队里有11名队员,故选B。

3.What do the American people like very much?

A American football.

B Soccer.

C Volleyball.


解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一及二句In America, soccer is not very popular. They like playing American football.可知,美国人喜欢美式足球,故选A。

4.Who can touch the ball with his hands in American football games?

A Only the goalkeeper.

B Some of the players.

C All the players.


解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章最后一句All the players can touch the ball with both feet and hands.可知,在美式足球中,所有的运动员都可以用手触球,故选C。