2岁男童5楼坠下 邻居双手接住
2岁男童5楼坠下 邻居双手接住

This is the heart stopping moment. A hero saved a boy from certain death after he fell from the fifth floor of an apartment block. The chilling scene happened in the county of Xuyi in Huai'an City in East China's Jiangsu Province. According to local reports, the boy was home alone when he locked himself in his bedroom. He then used a stool to climb out of the bedroom window.
In the video, witnesses breathed heavily as the boy ends up clinging to a ledge used to hold air-conditioning units. He then lost his strength and fell down to the ground, landing on blankets placed on a glass awning before he bounced into the waiting arms of neighbour Li Dehai.
Mr Li said the boy was taken to the county hospital and not found to have suffered any serious injuries thanks to his life-saving actions. He added, "After I saw the boy hanging there, I got one of my blankets and four of us stood below to catch him. But then I noticed the glass awning and feared he might hurt himself if he fell on that first, so I put the blanket on top and went to get another thicker one."  
The video shows that Mr Li was standing on a stool with both arms outstretched when the boy fell. He hurt his arm but no other injuries during his action. Local authorities later found Mr Li and gave him an official award, the Xuyi County Public Security Bureau said.


1.Why did the boy fall off the fifth floor?

A Because he wanted to reach his toy.

B Because he couldn’t go out of his house.

C Because he liked to do something dangerous.

D No exact reasons were mentioned in the passage.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句According to local reports, the boy was home alone when he locked himself in his bedroom. He then used a stool to climb out of the bedroom window.可知,男孩独自一人在家时,他把自己锁在自己的房间里卧室。他然后用凳子爬出卧室的窗户。但文中并未给出男孩坠楼的确切原因,故选D。

2.How did the witnesses feel when they saw the boy?

A Surprised.

B Stressed.

C Impatient.

D Disappointed.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第二段第一句In the video, witnesses breathed heavily as the boy ends up clinging to a ledge used to hold air-conditioning units.可知,当男孩最终紧紧抓住一个用来装空调的窗台,目击者呼吸急促。由此推测目击者当时十分紧张,故选B。

3._______ did NOT reduce the risk of the boy’s injury.

A The ledge

B The blankets

C Mr Li’s arms

D The glass awning

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第二段以及第三段第一句Mr Li said the boy was taken to the county hospital and not found to have suffered any serious injuries thanks to his life-saving actions.可知,男孩失去了力气,向地面坠落,落在铺在玻璃雨篷上的毯子上,然后弹到邻居李德海的怀里,结果,男孩被送到医院检查后发现他的身体并无大碍,由此推断玻璃雨篷、毯子和李德海的手臂对降低男孩受伤风险起到了关键作用,故选A。

4.What’s the end of the story?

A The boy came back to life after the first aid.

B Mr Li was badly hurt but the boy was saved.

C The boy’s parents found Mr Li and thanked him.

D Mr Li was presented with an award from the government.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段最后一句Local authorities later found Mr Li and gave him an official award, the Xuyi County Public Security Bureau said.可知,当地政府后来找到了李先生,并给予他一个官方奖励,故选D。