日本九州破纪录暴雨引发洪灾 致18死20万人撤离
日本九州破纪录暴雨引发洪灾 致18死20万人撤离

Rescue workers in Japan are beginning a desperate search for survivors after dozens were left dead or missing following widespread flash flooding caused by record rainfall on the southern island of Kyushu. Local authorities confirmed at least 18 people had died and 14 were missing in Kumamoto and Kagoshima, with images from the hardest-hit areas showing houses completely destroyed by the strength of the flood waters.
The government issued a warning on Saturday for the coming rainfall, calling for residents in Kyushu to take “maximum caution”. At least 270,000 people were told to evacuate in four regions across the island.
Kuma Village in Kumamoto saw a record-breaking 83.5 mileometers of rainfall in one hour on Saturday morning, while Kanoya city in Kagoshima had 109.5 mm in an hour on Monday, its highest ever. A heavy rain warning remains in place for parts of Kumamoto and Kagoshima on Monday, with more flooding expected.
Officials in Kumamato said that another 16 people were currently in danger, after an elderly care home in Kuma Village was completely flooded when the nearby Kuma River burst its banks on Saturday. Japan's Self Defense Forces and security authorities are continuing search and rescue operations in Kumamato and Kagoshima. Efforts have been complicated by conditions on the ground, however, with flooding and landslides cutting off contact to hundreds of communities in the highly-mountainous region.
Speaking at a press conference on Monday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said that over 800 people had been rescued so far by emergency services. According to Japan's Fire and Disaster Management Agency, thousands of households have been isolated and 20,000 firefighters are currently on the ground trying to reach them. Authorities were using 28 helicopters, four planes and two search ships to survey the area on Monday.


1.What destroyed the houses in Kumamoto and Kagoshima?

A The rescue work.

B The great flood.

C The recorded snowfall.

D The widespread wind.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句with images from the hardest-hit areas showing houses completely destroyed by the strength of the flood waters可以得知是洪水导致了房屋倒塌,故选B。

2.What did the government ask people on the island to do?

A To go to the hospital.

B To leave their houses.

C To help the homeless.

D To reduce the flood.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句At least 270,000 people were told to evacuate in four regions across the island可以得知政府打算疏散那里的居民,因此是要他们离开自己的家,故选B。

3.What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A Kumamoto would get more rain.

B Kanoya has the lowest rainfall.

C Kagoshima will have fine weather.

D There is the danger of the flood.

解析:选D。主旨大意题。根据文章第三段最后一句A heavy rain warning remains in place for parts of Kumamoto and Kagoshima on Monday, with more flooding expected.可以得知还有更多的降雨,有洪水的危险,故选D。

4.What made Kuma Village in danger?

A 16 people suffering from the flood.

B The broken banks of Kuma River.

C More people in an elderly care home.

D The landslides cutting off contact.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第四段第一句after an elderly care home in Kuma Village was completely flooded when the nearby Kuma River burst its banks on Saturday可以推知是因为河堤被水冲毁致使村庄处于危险中,故选B。