
Department stores(百货商店) in the United States are very large. They are called department stores because they have many different departments. For example, you can buy dresses, blouses and skirts in the Women's Clothing Department. You can buy suits, shirts and ties in the Men's Clothing Department. Parents can buy clothes for their children in the Children's Clothing Department. And shoes, boots and sneakers are in the Shoe Department.

There are a lot of reasons why people shop in department stores. You can buy things at a very low prices when department stores have sales. Sometimes stores even have half-price sales! In some stores, you can even eat lunch or dinner in a restaurant. Department stores are great places to shop because people can get almost everything they want in one place.

1.People call the stores department stores _______.

A because there are different departments

B because people like the name

C because there are many things to sell

D because department stores are the same

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句They are called department stores because they have many different departments.可知,之所以称为百货商店,是因为它们有许多不同的部门,故选A。

2.What can you buy in Men’s Clothing Department?

A Dresses.

B Blouses.

C Ties.

D Skirts.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第四句You can buy suits, shirts and ties in the Men's Clothing Department.可知,在男装区可以购买西装,衬衫和领带,故选C。

3.Parents buy clothes for their children in the ________.

A Shoe Department

B Women’s Clothing Department

C Men’s Clothing Department

D Children's Clothing Department

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段倒数第二句Parents can buy clothes for their children in the Children's Clothing Department.可知,父母可以在儿童服装区为孩子们购买衣服,故选D。

4.Why are department stores great places to shop?

A The things are expensive.

B There are many good things.

C You can eat many food in a restaurant.

D You can buy almost everything in one place.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句Department stores are great places to shop because people can get almost everything they want in one place.可知,百货商店是购物的好地方,人们可以在一个地方买到几乎所有想要的东西,故选D。