
Long time ago, there was a boy called Lu Ban. He wanted to be a good carpenter when he grew up. 
There was a good teacher at the other side of the mountain. Lu Ban decided to find the teacher. He walked a long way and was very tired but he didn’t stop. Finally, he found the teacher. 
First, the teacher told Lu Ban to clean tools for fourteen days. Then the teacher asked him to make a thousand holes in a piece of wood. Lu Ban did it. The teacher said, “Now I know you really want to be a good carpenter. I’ll teach you.” 
Lu Ban was very happy. He studied from his teacher for three years. Later he became the first great carpenter. Now he is still famous all over China.

1.Lu Ban’s dream is to be a _______.

A teacher

B driver

C carpenter


解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句He wanted to be a good carpenter when he grew up.可知,鲁班的梦想是当个好木匠,故选C。

2.It was ________ for Lu Ban to find the teacher.

A hard

B easy

C funny


解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第三句He walked a long way and was very tired but he didn’t stop.可知,他走了很长一段路,很累,由此推断寻找老师的过程很艰难,故选A。

3.Lu Ban cleaned the tools for _______.

A seven days

B two weeks

C three years


解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句First, the teacher told Lu Ban to clean tools for fourteen days.可知,老师让鲁班先清洁工具十四天,即两个星期,故选B。

4.Lu Ban made _______ holes in a piece of wood.

A 100

B 1,000

C 10,000


解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句Then the teacher asked him to make a thousand holes in a piece of wood.可知,老师让鲁班在一块木头上凿一千洞,故选B。