挪威发生大面积山体滑坡 房屋瞬间被大海吞噬
挪威发生大面积山体滑坡 房屋瞬间被大海吞噬

In the north of Norway a big landslide(山体滑坡) happened. The earth started to move into the sea. Eight houses ended up in the sea. A man filmed the landslide. He saw that the land was moving. He ran away. The landslide destroyed the man’s house.
Most houses are holiday homes. It means that they are empty now. The police said that nobody was hurt. A dog got stuck on a piece of land. The dog could not run away. Rescuers in a helicopter saved the dog.
Experts say that landslides are very normal in Norway. However, this landslide is very big. It is 2,100 feet wide and 492 feet high. It is not usual in this part of Norway.


1.Where did the landslide happen?

A In the east of Norway.

B In the west of Norway.

C In the south of Norway.

D In the north of Norway.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句In the north of Norway a big landslide happened.可知,挪威北部发生了山体大滑坡,故选D。

2.What can we learn about the man?

A He was a runner.

B He was in the helicopter.

C His hobby was taking photos.

D He saw the land was moving.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段He saw that the land was moving.可知,他看见土地在移动,故选D。

3._____ after the landslide happened.

A A dog got lost

B A man was saved

C Everybody was safe

D Most houses fell down into the sea

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第二段第三句The police said that nobody was hurt.可知,警察说没有人受伤。由此推断所有人都很安全,故选C。

4.We know that_____ according to the passage.

A the landslide only happens near the sea

B the landslide is the biggest one in Norway

C this kind of landslide doesn’t happen very often

D Norway has to face a bigger coming landslide

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段However, this landslide is very big. It is 2,100 feet wide and 492 feet high. It is not usual in this part of Norway.可知,这次滑坡规模很大,这在挪威的这一地区并不常见。由此说明这样的滑坡并不经常发生,故选C。