澳洲女子麦当劳取餐遭后车鸣笛催促 出狠招给对方上了一课
澳洲女子麦当劳取餐遭后车鸣笛催促 出狠招给对方上了一课

With McDonald's recently re-opening a number of their drive-thrus(汽车餐厅) for takeaway, people all over have been queuing for a Big Mac, fries, some McNuggets and a McFlurry. And while many fans of the fast food chain were happy to just be able to get some food, the wait during lockdown seems to have made others a little more impatient.
Over the weekend a woman took to social media to share an awkward experience she had at her local McDonald's when the drive-thru opened once again. The woman, from Canberra, Australia, explained how she'd been placing her order when a young lady behind her began honking her horn to get her to hurry up. Finding this behaviour rather rude, the woman made a plan to teach the other driver a lesson. She revealed all in a post on the Canberra Notice Board group on Facebook. Her post quickly went viral, dividing people on social media, with some finding the woman's actions "cruel" but others branding the whole thing "brilliant". 
It read, "I was in a long McDonald's drive-thru this morning and the young lady behind me honked her horn because I was taking too long to place my order. I thought to myself, 'take the high road'. So when I paid for my food at the first window, I paid for both our orders. The man at the counter must have told her what I'd done as she leaned out the window, waved and mouthed 'thank you', obviously embarrassed I had repaid her rudeness with kindness."
But here comes the real kicker. She added, "So when I got to the second window, I showed both receipts and took her food too. Now she has to go back to the end of the queue and start all over again."


1.What made the woman teach the young lady a lesson?

A She jumped the queue while buying food.

B She appears impatient when waiting for her turn.

C She couldn’t help shouting at someone before her.

D She broke the silence in the drive-thru at that time.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第二段The woman, from Canberra, Australia, explained how she'd been placing her order when a young lady behind her began honking her horn to get her to hurry up. Finding this behaviour rather rude, the woman made a plan to teach the other driver a lesson.可知,当时, 一名女子正在麦当劳免下车餐馆排队,而在她后面的年轻女士嫌慢就开始鸣笛催促,这名女子觉得对方这种不耐烦等候的举动很没有教养,于是就产生了要教训她的念头,故选B。

2.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 mean?

A She paid for her own food quickly.

B She did the same as the young lady did.

C She helped the young lady pay for her order.

D She cared nothing about the young lady’s rudeness.

解析:选C。词义猜测题。根据文章第三段下文So when I paid for my food at the first window, I paid for both our orders.可知,这名妇女所想的高姿态举动是指以德报怨,为那名年轻女士买单,故选C。

3.What did the young lady respond to the woman at first?

A She felt a deep sense of anger.

B She never regretted what she had done.

C She was active to make an apology.

D She showed thanks with embarrassment.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段The man at the counter must have told her what I'd done as she leaned out the window, waved and mouthed 'thank you', obviously embarrassed I had repaid her rudeness with kindness.可知,这位年轻女士听闻收银员的讲述后,探出窗外,向那位妇女挥手还说‘谢谢’,显出尴尬的神情,选D。

4.What’s the result of the story?

A The woman gave up her previous plan peacefully.

B The young lady ended up with a serious lesson.

C McDonald's drive-thru had to offer more shopping ways.

D Someone shared a post about the story on social media.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段So when I got to the second window I showed both receipts and took her food too. Now she has to go back to the end of the queue and start all over again.可知,那位妇女出示收据并拿走了两份食物,而年轻女士不得不重新回到队伍最后排队,由此看出该年轻女士最终得到了一个深刻的教训,故选B。