丹麦动物园大熊猫“越狱” 刚出来就被抓
丹麦动物园大熊猫“越狱” 刚出来就被抓

Copenhagen Zoo's CCTV caught the video of Xing Er, a seven-year-old giant panda, walking in the garden area after escaping from his new panda house. The video showed the panda climbing up a metal pole then finding his way around three electrical wires before he crawled out into open land and was seen by a door keeper.
Xing Er, who had escaped from his house before when the zoo was not open, was soon caught by workers and controlled with a tranquilizer dart(麻醉镖), yet the workers said he was not harmed. Bengt Holst, the zoo's spokesman, said that they will make changes to safety to make sure that the panda will not escape.
The Panda House is also home to Mao Sun, a female giant panda. Xing Er and Mao Sun were both gifts to Queen Margrethe after her visit to China in 2014. Their $27 million panda house looks like the yin-yang symbol.
Beijing lends out pandas for 15 years to other countries as a sign of friendship, and baby pandas born during this period belong to China. The Copenhagen Zoo was ready to reopen to the public but was able to open late with new government regulations.


1.Xing Er escaped from _______.

A China

B the Copenhagen Zoo

C the garden area

D the panda house

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句Copenhagen Zoo's CCTV caught the video of Xing Er, a seven-year-old giant panda, walking in the garden area after escaping from his new panda house. 可知,大熊猫星儿从他自己的熊猫房逃了出来,故选D。

2.Who caught the giant panda?

A The police.

B The workers.

C Bengt Holst.

D A door keeper.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段Xing Er, who had escaped from his house before when the zoo was not open, was soon caught by workers and controlled with a tranquilizer dar.可知,逃出来的星儿很快就被工作人员抓住,并被镇静剂飞镖控制住,故选B。

3.The zoo decided to _______ after the escape happened.

A bring in another panda

B remove the metal pole

C change the panda house

D improve the safety guard

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第二段Bengt Holst, the zoo's spokesman, said that they will make changes to safety to make sure that the panda will not escape.可知,动物园方面将对安全进行调整,以确保熊猫不会重蹈越狱的覆辙,由此推测他们将提高安全防范,故选D。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Newly born baby pandas belong to the zoo.

B The escape will go on in the future.

C The escape happened before the zoo opened to the public.

D Queen Margrethe was given two pandas as birthday gifts.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段The Copenhagen Zoo was ready to reopen to the public but was able to open late with new government regulations.可知,哥本哈根动物园准备向公众开放,但随着政府新规只能晚点开放,故选C。