

Security guards had to rescue a family of dogs who became stranded on a 590ft-high glass bridge in China.

The group, including several puppies, became frightened when crossing part of the bridge that has glass panels covering the floor.It is understood the animals followed tourists onto the suspension bridge at the famous Shiniuzhai Scenic Spot.Part of the floor was recently removed and replaced by glass panels that cover a 10 meter section.The move made the bridge a popular tourist attraction but it proved too much for the dogs who were too afraid to cross over the glass.

Security guard Xiong Yin, 35, said: ‘Some of the dogs did not seem to mind but the rest refused to step on the glass. ‘There was a risk that the dogs that were all very small might fall, and so we decided to remove them. ‘They were very popular with tourists that had been posing for pictures with them. But it was dangerous.’

He added that usually dogs and other animals avoided the bridge, but he believed these dogs had followed a small group of tourists that had been feeding them, and had hoped to get more food later by keeping behind the visitors.

The bridge is one of the most famous sights in the scenic spot in China's Hunan province.At 300-metres-long and 180-metres-high, it is one of the world’s highest.

It was earlier this year that the glass floor was installed, with more expected to be added across the whole bridge next year.

The towering rock formations have become extremely popular with tourists and in addition to the bridge, a cable car was installed in 2009 as well as hundreds of meters of cliffwalks.


1.What does rescue mean in the first paragraph?

A Kill.

B Heal.

C Save.

D Feed.

解析:选C。C 语义理解题。根据课文内容可知狗狗被困高空吊桥最终被保安救下,因此rescue是“挽救,救援”的意思,故选C。

2.How long is the section of the bridge that is covered by glass panels?

A 50m.

B 5m.

C 25m.

D 10m.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第2段第六行Part of the floor was recently removed and replaced by glass panels that cover a 10 meter section.可知,故选D。

3.Which is NOT right according to the passage?

A Some dogs are brave enough to cross over the glass.

B The dogs were carried to the bridge by tourists.

C The dogs followed some tourists to the bridge.

D Some dogs were too afraid to cross over the glass.

解析:选B。B 内容理解题。根据课文内容可知有些狗并不介意玻璃吊桥,故A项正确;狗狗是跟随游客登上吊桥,故C项正确;有些狗狗不敢穿过吊桥,故D项正确;B项说狗狗是被游客抱上去的,错误,故选B。

4.When was the glass floor installed?

A Last year.

B 2009

C Earlier 2009.

D Earlier this year.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据倒数第2段It was earlier this year that the glass floor was installed,…可知,故选C。

5.Which is the best title for the passage?

A The Highest Bridge In The World.

B The Longest Bridge In The world.

C Dogs Rescued On Suspension Bridge.

D Dogs Enjoyed Themselves On Suspension Bridge.

解析:选C。C 标题概括题。根据全文内容可知是狗狗在高空吊桥被救,并没有提到这个吊桥是世界上最高最长的,更没有说狗狗在吊桥上玩得很高兴,只有C项狗狗在高空吊桥获救契合文章内容,故选C。