
It was a cold and rainy morning when Anna Terry made an amazing find on her family's truffle(松露) farm near Deloraine. "It's the biggest truffle that we've ever had here," Ms Terry said. "It weighs 910 grams, which is certainly our record." 
Ms Terry said her trainee truffle sniffing dog Poppy made the discovery last week. "Poppy just started digging and didn't stop, then I started to see how big it was," Ms Terry said. "It just kept going and I started to get more and more excited. My dad Tim was at the farm too and I called out to him to come over. He was shocked to see it. He founded Tasmanian Truffles more than 20 years ago and it's one of the biggest he's seen."
Ms Terry said anything over 500 grams was considered a large truffle. "There have been some in Tassie that have been around the 1 kilo mark," she said. "It was a great find for Poppy." Truffle would have been worth $1,500. Ms Terry said there was no way to predict how big a truffle would be when harvesting. 
"It's just the luck of the draw really," she said. "Truffles ideally need nice, loose, free draining soil and lots of room to grow, which is clearly what happened here, it got really big." She said the flavour of the record truffle was not affected by its large size. They're not like some oversized vegetables that you see which typically have a bit of a watered-down flavour.
She said the record truffle was one of the last from this year's summer truffle season and it would be nice if she could find a winter truffle that size because of the good consumption in this season. "Typically a truffle of this size would have been sold internationally. They're somewhat of a novelty," Ms Terry said. "Even a restaurant here couldn't have used all of it so I had to cut it up. It will probably all end up in my stomach."


1.Why was Poppy able to discover the truffle?

A Because it had a good sense of smell.

B Because it got trained of searching for the truffle.

C Because it often followed its owner as an example.

D Because it was familiar with the shape of the truffle.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第二段第一句Ms Terry said her trainee truffle sniffing dog Poppy made the discovery last week.可知,Terry女士的见习松露嗅探犬波比上周有了这个发现,由此推断波比是经过主人训练之后,才有发现松露这一本领的,故选B。

2.What can we learn about the truffle Poppy found?

A It would be better when harvesting.

B Tim planted a lot of truffles on his farm.

C Its size was close to the largest one in Tassie.

D It was the biggest one that Ms Terry’s had seen.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段It weighs 910 grams, which is certainly our record.以及第三段There have been some in Tassie that have been around the 1 kilo mark可知,这个松露的个头在Terry女士农场里创了一个纪录,重达910克,而塔斯马尼亚地区有一些松露在1公斤左右,由此看出它的大小与塔斯马尼亚地区最大的相接近,故选C。

3.Why was the truffle so big?

A It was time to harvest it.

B It was a winter truffle.

C It grew in a narrow space.

D It just grew in an ideal condition.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第四段"Truffles ideally need nice, loose, free draining soil and lots of room to grow, which is clearly what happened here, it got really big."可知,理想情况下,松露需要松软的排水土壤和大量的生长空间,会变得非常大。这只松露正好在良好的生活环境下生长,所以就长得非常大,故选D。

4.How would Ms Terry deal with the truffle this time?

A She would trade it with an international company.

B She would sell all of it to the local restaurant.

C She would probably leave it to herself to taste.

D She would preserve it for the sales season.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段"Even a restaurant here couldn't have used all of it so I had to cut it up. It will probably all end up in my stomach."可知,本地的一家餐厅不可能全部用完,所以Terry女士不得不把它切掉,它可能最后都会在Terry女士胃里,由此推断她很可能会把它留给自己享用,故选C。