印度15岁女孩骑自行车1200公里 载受伤父亲回家
印度15岁女孩骑自行车1200公里 载受伤父亲回家

In a desperate try to home, a fifteen-year-old girl Jyoti Kumari rode a bicycle with her father from Haryana's Gurugram to Darbhanga in Bihar, a distance of nearly 1,200 km.
Jyoti’s father Mohan Paswan worked as an e-rickshaw driver in Gurugram but was injured in an accident in January. With no work or money during the lockdown(封锁), Paswan and his daughter were struggling to make ends meet. Even their landlord kept asking them to pay the rent.
At first, Paswan didn’t agree to go back to Bihar on a bicycle, as he thought Jyoti was so young that she couldn't reach the end with such a wild idea. However, Jyoti managed to persuade him and the two went on an hard journey back home. "We kept moving forward with whatever help we got on the way. Some people gave us food. We were also hungry for two days," Jyoti said. 
She has been quarantined along with her father and is being praised as "Shravan Kumari" of Darbhanga. Knowing about her story of courage and strong will, the local government sent an official to the house of Jyoti Kumari at Siruhulia and made sure to provide all helps.
Jyoti wanted to study further and the Darbhanga district administration has promised her to help in further study. "At this time, these families are now getting some benefits from the government, and after this, all government facilities will be provided according to the need," said Dr Tyagarajan. At the same time, she was expressed congratulations by a local social organization Dr Prabhaat Foundation. 


1.How did Jyoti Kumari go back home?

A She drove a car and then rode a bicycle.

B She kept walking for nearly 1,200 km.

C She rode a bicycle with her father.

D She rode a bicycle and then walked home.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段内容可知,女孩Jyoti Kumari铤而走险回家,她和父亲一起骑自行车约1200公里回家,故选C。

2.What can we know about Jyoti's father?

A He used to drive a taxi for a living.

B He couldn’t pay the house rent on time.

C He was trying to make a living in Bihar.

D He lost his job before an accident happened to him.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句Even their landlord kept asking them to pay the rent.可知,房东一直要求他们付房租,Jyoti的父亲不能按时付房租,故选B。

3.Why didn’t Paswan agree with his daughter at first?

A Because he tried but failed.

B Because he was too old to ride a bicycle.

C Because no one would give them a helping hand.

D Because he worried they couldn’t reach the end.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第三段第一句At first, Paswan didn’t agree to go back to Bihar on a bicycle, as he thought Jyoti was so young that she couldn't reach the end with such a wild idea.可知,Paswan担心不能到达终点,故选D。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Jyoti has been well-known all over the country.

B More families are waiting for the same rescue.

C Jyoti’s dream would come true with the help of the government.

D Dr Prabhaat Foundation will support Jyoti to continue with her study.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句Jyoti wanted to study further and the Darbhanga district administration has promised her to help in further study.可知,Jyoti想进一步学习,地区行政当局答应她帮助进一步学习,由此推测 Jyoti的梦想将在政府的帮助下实现,故选C。