狗狗误吞球性命垂危 美国男子为其做人工呼吸
狗狗误吞球性命垂危 美国男子为其做人工呼吸

Jett is a three-year-old German Shepherd. He lives in Crimora with his family, but they almost lost him after a freak accident on Wednesday. "He's really playful. He loves playing with balls," Bliss Nuckols said. "That's what he'll do all day." Nuckols was playing with Jett on Wednesday when the unimaginable happened.
"My daughter calls and says Jett swallowed the ball and we can't get it out,'" Teresa Perkins said. "'He can't breathe.'" Perkins, Nuckols' mom, is Jett's owner. She was on her way home when she got the phone call. She called the vet, who told her to bring Jett in.
"I put him in the back seat and I flew down the road," Perkins said. "I was going down 340, and I get to a construction site. Well, I had been listening to Jett the whole time, and he was gasping for breath. Well, he stopped." Meanwhile, Jay Johnson and Cavaja Holt just happened to be in the right place at the right time, and were working at that construction site.
The two men knew they had to help. Holt opened the back door and reached in to help the dog. "My dog was dead," Perkins said. "So he opened his mouth. He grabbed the ball out, and he got the ball out of his mouth. Well, he still wasn't breathing, so he started doing CPR. He was blowing in his mouth. All of a sudden, he held his head up and said he's breathing. He's awake."
After her dog was saved, Perkins quickly continued on to the vet to make sure Jett was okay. Later on, Nuckols made a post on Facebook searching for the men. Holt was also looking for her. On Thursday, they met in person, and Perkins and her family were able to thank Holt for saving Jett's life.


1.Who caused the unexpected accident?

A Holt.

B Jett.

C Perkins.

D Nuckols.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段Jett swallowed the ball and we can't get it out可知,Jett把球吞了下去,造成了此次事故,故选B。

2.Which of the following is the right order? ①Perkins got a phone call from Nuckols. ②Nuckols tried to get the ball out. ③Two men came to the construction site. ④Perkins contacted with the vet for advice.

A ①③④②

B ①②③④

C ②③①④

D ②①④③

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段和第三段可知,Nuckols看到自己的爱犬误吞了球,试图将它取出,结果失败了,然后打电话给母亲Perkins,Perkins也不知如何是好,于是她致电兽医征求意见,兽医让她开车将狗狗带到兽医处,她一路驾车,到达一个建筑工地,发现狗狗停止了呼吸,正好建筑工人Jay Johnson and Cavaja Holt来到工地,故选D。

3.What can we know about Cavaja Holt?

A He was a construction worker on holiday.

B He had much knowledge of the first aid.

C He saved the dog with the help of Johnson.

D He also experienced such an emergency before.


4.What does the story tell us?

A Don’t let the dog play with balls.

B Something won’t happen for no reasons.

C Sometimes we should go a different way in a special situation.

D Problems can be solved if we have enough wisdom and courage.
