

Dogs have been man’s best friend for thousands of years, a source of companionship and loyalty since the Stone Age. 

Now scientists suspect they have discovered the root of the relationship - a dog really does understand his master’s voice. Researchers have found that pet dogs process language in a similar way to humans. 

They learn to recognize the words that are spoken. But tests suggest they also notice the more subtle aspects of human communication - the emotional tone, intonation and volume changes that influence the meaning of language. 

Scientists at Sussex University think this is because dogs process language in the same way as we do. They tested the way different aspects of language seemed to go through different parts of the brain. Humans have a ‘hemispheric bias’ when it comes to communication, with different aspects of language favouring the left or right side of the brain. 

The researchers’ tests suggest that dogs process speech in the same way. 

A group of 25 dogs were placed between two speakers playing recorded commands - such as ‘come on then’, When the command was delivered in a flat, emotionless tone, the dogs turned right, suggesting the animals were concentrating on the words, not the intonation. But when the commands exaggerated intonation or emotion, the animals turned left. 

The results suggest that like us, dogs process different aspects of human speech in different parts of the brain, perhaps indicating why they can be trained to follow people.


1.How long has dogs been man’s best friends?

A Since Stone Age.

B Since hundreds of years ago.

C For two thousand years.

D For three thousand years.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第1段Dogs have been man’s best friend …since the Stone Age. 可知,故选A。

2.How do a dog understand his master’s voice?

A It can remember his master’s every command.

B It is as smart as his master.

C It can process language in a similar way to humans.

D It can process movement in a similar way to humans.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第2段a dog really does understand his master’s voice.… that pet dogs process language in a similar way to humans. 可知,故选C。

3.Dogs can feel the aspects of human communication EXCEPT________.

A the emotional tone

B the volume changes

C the intonation

D the face changing of human

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第3段But tests suggest they also notice the more subtle aspects of human communication - the emotional tone, intonation and volume changes that influence the meaning of language. 可知并未提到选项D,即人类脸部表情的变化,故选D。

4.When a command is flat and emotionless, the dog will________.

A turn left

B lie down

C shake tail

D turn right

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据倒数第2段第二句When the command was delivered in a flat, emotionless tone, the dogs turned right,…可知,故选D。

5.Which of the following is NOT right according to the text?

A A dog can understand his master’s voice.

B A dog processes language in the same way as we do.

C A dog processes colours in the same way as we do.

D A dog processes different aspects of human speech in different parts of the brain.

解析:选C。C 内容理解及常识题。狗狗是色盲,不可能具备像人类那样的处理颜色的能力,故选C。