狗狗被困车内 英国路人砸窗救援 警方:合情合法
狗狗被困车内 英国路人砸窗救援 警方:合情合法

A man in Swindon, Wiltshire, broke the car window when he passed the vehicle and saw a dog inside. He then lifted the dog out of the car. The animal was later given to police officers who reunited the animal with its owner when he returned to his vehicle. The police said the rescuer was missing and would not face any punishment for his actions.
The police issued the dog owner with a formal warning over the incident. The police were alerted to the incident at about 10 a.m. on Monday after receiving reports that a 14-week-old dog was in distress. It was reported that the owner had left the dog inside his blue Mercedes-Benz car while he went to do some shopping. After the car’s window had been smashed, officers waited with the dog until the owner returned.
Inspector Steph Daly, of Wiltshire Police, said, "People just don’t think it’s going to happen to them. They think, ‘Oh I’ll be all right, I’m only going to be five minutes’, but with what’s going on in the world at the moment, we have to queue for the supermarkets. You know your trip is going to take longer. People are animal lovers, and if they see something they’re not happy with, they’ll take action.”
At the end of the day, the police advised people not to leave their dog in the car full stop. It might be 20 degrees outside, but it could be up to 38 to 40 degrees inside the car, which is fatal to dogs. A spokeswoman for Wiltshire Police confirmed that officers attended the scene.


1.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A A man stole a dog from a car.

B The car window was broken by the dog.

C The police punished the rescuer for his action.

D The rescuer left after saving the dog inside the car.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句The police said the rescuer was missing and would not face any punishment for his actions.可知,救援人员救了被困在车内的狗之后,就离开了,故选D。

2.What did the police do with the incident?

A They gave the rescuer praise.

B They gave the dog owner a ticket.

C They advised people should be helpful.

D They waited with the dog until the owner came back.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句After the car’s window had been smashed, officers waited with the dog until the owner returned.可知,汽车的窗户被打碎后,警察和狗一起等待,直到主人回来,故选D。

3.What did Steph Daly try to explain?

A How the rescuer saved the dog in the car.

B When people took action to protect pets.

C Why people would leave pets longer than they thought in the car.

D How owners avoid leaving pets alone when shopping.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第三段...but with what’s going on in the world at the moment, we have to queue for the supermarkets. You know your trip is going to take longer.可知,Steph Daly 认为因宠物主人得排队去超市,出行的时间会更长,由此推断这就是宠物被更长时间滞留车内的原因,故选C。

4.What probably threatened the dog’s life safety in the car?

A The polluted air.

B The high temperature.

C Its crazy behavior.

D Animal lovers’ action.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第二句It might be 20 degrees outside, but it could be up to 38 to 40 degrees inside the car, which is fatal to dogs. 可知,在外面可能是20度,但在车内可能高达38到40度,这对狗狗是致命的,由此看出高温对车内狗狗的生命安全构成威胁,故选B。