疫情期间不能开课 美国幼儿园老师到每个孩子家门口一对一上课
疫情期间不能开课 美国幼儿园老师到每个孩子家门口一对一上课

In San Antonio, Texas, 15 preschoolers got an exciting surprise when their teacher showed up ready for class outside each of their homes.
A few weeks into quarantine, Myra Garza, a preschool teacher at Holy Spirit Catholic School was missing her class and wanted to find a way to connect with them that wasn’t through a computer. After being allowed by her school and parents, Garza packed up her car with activities and went to do in-person lessons in her students’ backyards.
“Most families were telling me all morning or all afternoon the kids were like, ‘When is she coming?’ ‘Is she coming?’ And they couldn’t help looking outside, waiting for me to get there. So they were excited just to have their teacher there,” Garza said.
Garza spent about 30 minutes outside each student’s house and while she was fully prepared to do a lesson that included phonics, alphabet, and math, most of the kids were just eager to show her around their homes and filled her with questions.
“We just visited with each other. You know some kids didn’t even want to do the lesson. They just wanted to talk and they just wanted to show me things. So I just took their lead," she said. “I think they were just fascinated with the fact that I was there.”
Garza said the parents also seemed excited to communicate with another adult and were grateful for what she did. The teacher is hoping to do another round of visits to her kids at the end of May as a way to finish off the school year.


1.Who came up with the idea of doing in-person lessons?

A The school.

B Myra Garza.

C Preschoolers.

D Students’ parents.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段内容可知,Myra Garza因为想念她的班级,想找到一种不用电脑与他们联系的方式,结果她做到了,亲自到学生的后院上课,故选B。

2.What did most kids react to the coming teacher?

A They were pleased to see the teacher.

B They felt worried about their lessons.

C They kept silent because they were so shy.

D They wouldn’t like to stay with the teacher.


3.What can NOT we learn from Paragraph 4?

A The kids kept close to Garza at their homes.

B Garza usually finished teaching in half an hour.

C Garza left many questions to the kids after lessons.

D Three courses were offered during Garza’s visit.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第四段...most of the kids were just eager to show her around their homes and filled her with questions.可知,大多数孩子只是急于带她参观他们的家,并向她提出问题,本段并未提到Garza留给孩子们许多问题。故选C。

4.What did the parents think of Garza’s coming?

A They showed no interest in it.

B They thought the new way was practical and helpful.

C They believed it is useless to change the teaching method.

D They could accept the change but insisted on the traditional way.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句Garza said the parents also seemed excited to communicate with another adult and were grateful for what she did. 可知,父母似乎也很高兴与另一个成年人交流,并对Garza所做的一切表示感谢,由此推测他们认为新的方法是实用和有用的,故选B。