
Singers, actors, painters and many other famous people all have to face the dangers of fame(名声). People came to greet them everywhere. Some fans even do crazy things just to see their faces, touch their clothes or see them smile. The stars are always surrounded by newspapermen, TV reporters and photographers. 

Fame brings them quite a lot of money, so they can have easier lives than other people. They live in beautiful houses with housekeepers, gardeners and cooks, but the money does not bring them happiness. The next thing is stress(压力). They get more money and feel more stressed. Being stressed for long makes many of them sick. In other words, fame can make a man happy, but it can also destroy him. There are also some famous people. They have quiet lives and have no problems.


1.According to the passage, some fans do crazy things to _______. ①see their faces ②touch their clothes ③see them smile ④sing their songs

A ①③④

B ①②④

C ①②③

D ②③④

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第三句Some fans even do something crazy just to see their well-known face, touch their clothes or see them smile.可知,有些粉丝疯狂地做一些事情只是为了看到他们的面孔、触摸他们的衣服或看到他们微笑,故选C。

2.Stars can not get _______ easily.

A much money

B happiness

C good lives

D beautiful houses

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句They live in beautiful houses with housekeepers, gardeners and cooks, but the money does not bring them happiness.可知,他们住在美丽的房子里,有管家,园丁和厨师,但这些钱并不能带给他们幸福,故选B。

3.The underlined word “destroy ” means _______.

A 摧毁

B 拥抱

C 围绕

D 安慰


4.Which is NOT true?

A Famous people are usually rich.

B Some famous people live happily.

C Some famous people may get sick.

D Famous people can’t have a quiet life.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后两句There are also some famous people. They have quiet lives and have no problems. 可知,也有一些名人过着平静的生活,没有问题,故选D。