美国5岁“偷车”男孩坐梦想车去兜风 实现真快乐
美国5岁“偷车”男孩坐梦想车去兜风 实现真快乐

Most kids at his age play with toy cars, but a 5-year-old Ogden boy chose the real thing. After he drove his parents’ SUV and headed down the freeway — only to be stopped by a policeman, Adrian Zamarripa got his wish of cruising in a Lamborghini.
Adrian’s adventure caught the attention of news media throughout the country. On Tuesday, fellow Lamborghini fan and owner Jeremy Neves didn’t want to focus on the negativity. So he treated Adrian to rides up and down the street. This time, Adrian sat in the passenger seat. 
Even though the boy took a dangerous risk and Neves doesn’t want to encourage similar behavior among other kids, he said he couldn’t help but feel inspired when a friend sent him an article about the boy’s adventure.
“He had the courage to just go after what he wanted, you know?” said Neves, who took his own first joyride at age 12. Neves said he wanted to cheer up the boy and others in a time filled with negativity, fear and doubt. He embraced a shy Adrian, who didn’t say much, but could be seen smiling and inspecting the car.
“Maybe he’s getting punished, maybe he’s grounded, and maybe he’s got some chores to do. I can relate to that,” Neves said. “At the same time, I thought it would be really cool to say, ‘Your dreams aren’t as far away as you think they are.’”
“He’s always talked about wanting a Lamborghini, and now he got a chance to ride in one,” said Adrian’s mum Estrada. “I’m glad that after all the fear our own family put in him, he got to live his dream.”


1.What did the boy really do?

A He played with toy cars like most kids.

B He drove his parents’ car on the freeway.

C He drove a Lamborghini on the freeway.

D He was caught by the police on the freeway.


2.Why did Neves take a ride with Adrian in a Lamborghini?

A To show the love to him.

B To remove his bad moods.

C To help his parents find him.

D To make friends with him.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第四段第二句Neves said he wanted to cheer up the boy and others in a time filled with negativity, fear and doubt.可知,Neves表示,他想在充满消极、恐惧和怀疑的时候让这个男孩和其他人振作起来,由此推断他是为了消除男孩的不良情绪才带他兜风的,故选B。

3.What did Adrian’s mum think about the experience?

A Adrian behaved badly.

B Adrian didn’t listen to her.

C Adrian was brave to drive a car.

D Adrian’s dream came true.


4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Neves didn’t have the adventurous spirit in his childhood.

B Estrada was satisfied with Adrian’s ability and behavior.

C Adrian has walked out of the shadow of fearful experience.

D The growth of children deserves the attention of the whole society.
