
Most ninth-grade girls worry about schoolwork, friends and personal life. Lately, however, Valerie Xu has focused on face masks. The 15-year-old from Addison, Texas, says she wanted to do something about the lack of protective equipment for medical workers during the coronavirus pandemic(冠状病毒大流行). So with wisdom and a teenager’s good wish, Xu raised donations, bought more than 10,000 protective masks and delivered them to a Dallas medical center. And she’s gathering more.
The idea of donation started with a conversation that Xu had with a family friend, a Florida ER doctor who was forced to wear the same protective mask for several days. “This really amazed me in America,” Xu said. “We’re supposed to be considered the richest country in the world, yet doctors and nurses fighting on the front line cannot get proper protection.”
Since Xu wanted to make a local influence, she started a GoFundMe online to buy masks for the UT Southwestern Medical Center, the largest hospital near her home. It has raised more than $3,800. Xu researched vendors in China and picked two suppliers, donating $1,200 of her own money to the cause. She said her activity so far has collected a total of 11,200 masks. Xu has received grateful messages from medical workers and others. 
“If there is one thing that I have learned from this experience, it is that people care and are willing to help our community, which is the truth of our American spirit," she said.


1.Recently Valerie Xu has cared about _______.

A friends

B homework

C charity work

D personal life

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段Most ninth-grade girls worry about schoolwork, friends and personal life. Lately, however, Valerie Xu has focused on face masks.以及下文Xu raised donations可知,Valerie Xu最近关心慈善工作,故选C。

2.What surprised Valerie Xu?

A A Dallas medical center lost lots of masks.

B Her family friend didn’t have face masks in hospital.

C Her community didn’t have enough face masks.

D American medical workers were short of protective equipment.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,在与一位家庭朋友的谈话时,Valerie Xu听闻在前线战斗的美国医生和护士得不到适当的保护,这使得她大为惊讶,故选D。

3.What did Valerie Xu do to make a local difference? ①She donated her pocket money. ②She started an activity on the Internet. ③She made a research on the mask sellers. ④she sent text messages to local medical workers.

A ①③④

B ②③④

C ①②④

D ①②③

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段可知,Valerie Xu发起了GoFundMe网络捐款页面,研究在中国的供应商并挑选了两个供应商,将自己的1200美元捐给了这一事业,文中并未提及她向当地医务工作者发送短信,故选D。

4.What has Xu learned from the experience?

A People only care about their own community.

B God helps those who help themselves.

C People care about and help each other when in need.

D A man’s will does not depend on the number of his age.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段If there is one thing that I have learned from this experience, it is that people care and are willing to help our community可知,Valerie Xu表示从这次经历中学到了一件事,那就是人们关心并愿意帮助我们的社区,也就是当人们需要的时候相互关心和帮助,故选C。