德国7岁神童获称“学前毕加索” 画作曾卖出1.2万美元
德国7岁神童获称“学前毕加索” 画作曾卖出1.2万美元

At just the age of seven, Mikail Akar is already a famous name in the art world. His paintings sell for thousands of dollars around the world, and he has another name “Preschool Picasso”.
Mikail was born in Germany. His talent for painting was found by mistake three years ago. His parents bought him a canvas and some paint and let him get creative with them. They had already bought him plenty of toys and cars, so they thought they would give him something different, but they weren’t expecting him to paint a fantastic one. But Mikhail did such a good job with his first canvas that his father thought his wife painted it.
Mikail Akar does well in abstract works and he can punch the canvas while he is wearing his father’s boxing gloves. “When I’m older, I want to be a football player,” Akar said. “Painting is quite tiring for me. Sometimes it can take a long time, especially with boxing gloves.”
Last month, during a presentation of Akar's new work at a personal gallery in Berlin, one visitor was very surprised to know that the artist was just a child in a primary school. His parents say that they are careful not to push Mikail too hard. He only paints when he wants to, sometimes once a week, other times once every month. His son’s success as a painter has changed their lives, and they now live for art. Akar’s paintings now are popular among buyers from across the world. One of the works sold for $12,000, and the money was given to a charity for children.


1.Who found Mikail’s talent?

A Mikail Akar himself.

B Mikail’s parents.

C Mikail’s art teacher.

D A famous painter.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段His talent for painting was found by mistake three years ago. ...but they weren’t expecting him to paint a fantastic one. But Mikhail did such a good job with his first canvas that his father thought his wife painted it.可知,是Mikail Akar的父母发现了他的艺术天赋,故选B。

2.Mikail’s dream is to be _______.

A an artist

B a doctor

C a scientist

D a sportsman

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段When I’m older, I want to be a football player可知,Mikail长大后,想成为一名足球运动员,故选D。

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A Many buyers like works of art from Mikail Akar.

B Mikail Akar started painting at the age of four.

C Boxing gloves brought Mikail Akar a lot of fun.

D Mikail’s first painting surprised his parents.

解析:选C。细节理解题。由全文内容可知,许多买家喜欢Mikail Akar的艺术作品;Mikail Akar在四岁开始画画;Mikail的父母不要求他画更多的画;Mikail觉得戴着拳击手套作画令他感到劳累而不是给他带来乐趣,故选C。

4.What can we know from the last paragraph?

A Mikail’s parents don’t ask him to do more painting.

B A teacher was surprised to see Mikail’s painting.

C Mikail’s success has brought the family more happiness.

D All the Mikail’s works are given the charity for children.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段His parents say that they are careful not to push Mikail too hard. He only paints when he wants to, sometimes once a week, other times once every month. 可知,Mikail的父母并没有让他多作画,故选A。