12岁男孩每天跳绳1000个 一年后却成班上最矮的
12岁男孩每天跳绳1000个 一年后却成班上最矮的

At some point in our lives during childhood, we have been told to “jump more” in order to grow taller. A couple in China encouraged their 12-year-old son to jump 1,000 times a day. They had also offered him 10 yuan for every 1,000 jumps he did. Why would any parent want their child to jump a thousand times every single day? This kid is 145cm, and the average height for kids of that age is 152cm. As typical Asian parents, they want him to grow taller and they also believed that jumping could help.
The boy’s father gave him a jump rope and managed to convince him to start jumping. From that day on, he used the jump rope every day unless he fell sick, and he even jumped up to 3,000 times per day. After one whole year of jumping, the parents rewarded a total of 4,000 yuan. However, the boy not only did not grow taller, but he ended up being the shortest student in his class.
It turns out that he had been spending the money that he earned on unhealthy snacks like potato chips! This explained the mystery where he often lost his appetite at the dinner table and the “unexplainable” weight gain. His parents thought he was going through a hard time with study, but he was actually just snacking endlessly.
So, this is a clear example of how jumping rope does not help kids grow taller. Parents should really just accept that height is mainly affected by the parents’ genes, and also a healthy, balanced diet. 


1.Why did the parents ask their kid to do more rope jumping?

A To build up his body.

B To let his kids lose weight.

C To let his kids grow taller.

D To give him more pocket money.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句As typical Asian parents, they want him to grow taller and they also believed that jumping could help.可知作为典型的亚洲父母,他们希望孩子长得更高,他们相信多跳绳会有帮助,故选C。

2.What surprised the parents?

A Their kid almost jumped every day.

B Their kid fell ill because of jumping rope.

C Their kid became taller and taller.

D Their kid became the shortest one in his class.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句However, the boy not only did not grow taller, but he ended up being the shortest student in his class.可知,这个男孩不仅没有长得更高,而且最后他成了班上最矮的学生,这让他父母始料未及,感到惊讶,故选D。

3.Why did the boy eat less at the dinner table?

A Because he ate too many snacks.

B Because he didn’t like the food at home.

C Because he wasn’t good at his study.

D Because he got hurt while jumping rope.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句His parents thought he was going through a hard time with study, but he was actually just snacking endlessly.可知,他的父母认为他在学习上经历了一段艰难的时期,但实际上他只是没完没了地吃零食,故选A。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Exercise is important in the children’s growth.

B It’s not right to ask the kids to jump rope.

C Parents’ traditional thought turns out to be not correct.

D The height of children mainly depends on sleep and diet.
