美国18岁女子玩捉迷藏被卡洗衣机 报警求助消防员
美国18岁女子玩捉迷藏被卡洗衣机 报警求助消防员

In a strange case, an 18-year-old girl in Virginia landed herself into trouble after playing hide-and-seek inside her house. She got stuck inside a washing machine, after which the fire department was called. The girl Amari Dancy who decided to hide in an unusual place while she was playing with her younger sisters and brothers in Virginia.
While speaking to NBC news, Dancy said, “We already had hidden under the bed, in the closet, and we couldn’t go down into the basement. So, I was thinking ‘Oh, OK, let’s just hide in the washing machine.’I was really worried to see whether they were going to get me out or not.”
While playing in the house, it was Dancy’s younger cousin who found her stuck inside and told the adults in the house. They later called the police, who rushed to help the worried family. 
After hours of struggle, members of the Fire and Rescue department were able to remove the top of the washing machine and safely rescue Dancy from the machine. “Once they worked out what to do, I just felt relieved. I just wanted to be out of there. I mean it’s pretty embarrassing, but all I can do is laugh it off," Dancy finally said. 


1.Dancy could not hide herself ______.

A in the closet

B under the bed

C in the basement

D in the washing machine

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段We already had hidden under the bed, in the closet, and we couldn’t go down into the basement. So, I was thinking ‘Oh, OK, let’s just hide in the washing machine.’可知,Dancy已经藏过床下,藏过壁橱里,但不能下到地下室,于是她想到藏在洗衣机内,故选C。

2.______ after Dancy got stuck inside the washing machine.

A Her younger cousin ran away

B The adults first learnt about it

C The police happened to pass by

D Her parents came to help her out

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句While playing in the house, it was Dancy’s younger cousin who found her stuck inside and told the adults in the house.可知,在房子里玩的时候,是Dancy的小表妹发现她被困在里面,并通知了房子里的大人们。说明大人们第一时间获悉此事,故选B。

3.What does the underlined word “relieved” mean in Chinese?

A 放心的.

B 担忧的.

C 好玩的.

D 抱歉的.

解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据划线词上文Once they worked out what to do可推测,一旦他们知道该怎么做,Dancy就感觉“放心了”,故选A。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Nobody is perfect.

B Think carefully before you act.

C God helps those who help themselves.

D You cannot be in the world without worries.
