因疫情推迟婚礼 美国华裔医生抽出15分钟在医院办婚礼
因疫情推迟婚礼 美国华裔医生抽出15分钟在医院办婚礼

Dr. Shelun Tsai at Duke University Hospital and Dr. Michael Sun in Duke Psychiatry’s program planned to get married on Saturday, April 11, in North Carolina. When the couple, who got engaged in 2016, had to postpone their official wedding, their colleagues at Duke University Hospital stepped in to make sure the couple's wedding day was still special. 
"They knew I’d postponed my wedding but people didn’t realize it was that day until I was there at work and I said it was supposed to be April 11," Tsai said. "It started out small, that they wanted to make me a wedding dress, then it was a veil, then flowers and then it became everyone chipping in(插嘴) and jumping on board." "They actually started at 8 a.m. and in between patient care they’d get bits of stuff done and then had the ceremony at 3 p.m.," she said of her colleagues. Before Tsai walked down the "aisle", her colleagues set up a special room for her to change into her paper wedding gown and then arranged a "first look" moment between her and Sun.
    A nurse from the Labor and Delivery unit hosted the about 15-minute ceremony at Duke Birthing Center. The ceremony was watched on Zoom by nearly a dozen of Tsai's and Sun's friends, family and actual wedding party. At the end of the ceremony, Tsai and Sun rode off on a hospital transportation cart decorated with "Just Married" signs. The couple, who met in college, has moved their official wedding to October.
"It was absolutely amazing," Tsai said of her commemorative ceremony. "Every day I feel like we take care of our patients and we’re always so thoughtful and love what we do and to see that my colleagues also care so much about us and the things that mean so much to us, it was really touching. They’re really my work family and we really try to take care of each other ." 


1.The underlined word “postpone” in Paragraph 1 means _______.

A put off

B cut back

C go ahead

D put forward

解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据文章第一段第一句Dr. Shelun Tsai at Duke University Hospital and Dr. Michael Sun in Duke Psychiatry’s program planned to get married on Saturday, April 11, in North Carolina. 以及第三段最后一句The couple, who met in college, has moved their official wedding to October.可知,两位新人原计划在4月11日结婚,结果改到了十月,由此猜测 postpone意为“推迟”,与put off同义,故选A。

2.What took place as usual in the Tsai’s wedding?

A Riding off in a wedding car.

B Arranging a "first look" moment.

C Wearing a beautiful wedding dress.

D Holding the ceremony in the church.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句Before Tsai walked down the "aisle", her colleagues set up a special room for her to change into her paper wedding gown and then arranged a "first look" moment between her and Sun.可知,蔡医生的同事为她安排了一个特别的房间,让她在那里换上纸质婚纱,然后安排了一个“first look”环节,随后,蔡医生行婚礼仪式,故选B。

3.Who did NOT witness Tsai’s wedding ceremony?

A Tsai's and Sun's family.

B Tsai's and Sun's friends.

C The patients being looked after.

D The colleagues at Duke University Hospital.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句...their colleagues at Duke University Hospital stepped in to make sure the couple's wedding day was still special. 以及第三段第二句 The ceremony was watched on Zoom by nearly a dozen of Tsai's and Sun's friends, family and actual wedding party. 可知,两位新人的同事在现场参与并见证了婚礼,而他们的家人和朋友则是在Zoom观看了这场仪式,文中未提及被照顾的患者,故选C。

4.What can we learn from the couple?

A They usually stood on the last post.

B They often saved against a rainy day.

C They always put others before themselves.

D They seldom changed the life with creativity.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第四段Every day I feel like we take care of our patients and we’re always so thoughtful and love what we do...可知, 两位新人热爱本职工作,每天全身心照顾病人,总是那么体贴入微,为了病人,他们甘愿推迟婚礼,由此看出他们做事总是先人后己,故选C。