
Tom Moore, 99, who gets about with the help of a walking frame, is aiming to walk his 25-metre-long garden 100 times before his birthday on 30 April. His first aim for the daily lengths was to raise £1,000 for NHS Charities Together but after just a week his Just Giving page has received more than £400,000, and he has now set half a million pounds as his goal.
Moore, who served as an officer with the 145 Regiment Royal Armoured Corps from 1940, said, “It’s difficult to imagine all these kind people who have donated so far. I think it’s just amazing.” Moore, who lives in Marston Moretaine, Bedfordshire, said the NHS has been great in helping him recover from a hip replacement, and from skin cancer on his head.
He is walking 10 lengths a day and said, “I’m finding it fine. The weather is lovely. I couldn’t wish for better.” Moore lives with his daughter Hannah Ingram-Moore and her husband and two children. “Dad turns 100 on April 30, and my sister and I had been planning a huge party for him, but obviously we can’t do that now. He told us that he wanted to do 100 lengths of the garden before he turns 100.”
Hannah’s employer Maytrix Group is donating £1 for every length Moore completes, but Hannah says that if he keeps up his present pace, he will exceed his aim. She said, “He’s breaking it so far. His aim is 100, but I think he intends to do more.” As of the day April 13, he has raised more than 1.2 million pounds.


1.What’s the goal of Tom Moore’s fund-raising walk at present?

A £1,000.

B Over £400,000.

C £500,000.

D More than £1,200,000.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句His first aim for the daily lengths was to raise £1,000 for NHS Charities Together but after just a week his Just Giving page has received more than £400,000, and he has now set half a million pounds as his goal.可知,他起初的日常目标是为NHS Charities Together筹集1,000英镑,但仅仅一周后,他就收到了40多万英镑,现在他已经设定了50万英镑作为他的目标,故选C。

2.Which was probably the reason for Moore to raise money for NHS Charities Together?

A He once was a member of it for years.

B He got recovery with the help of the NHS.

C He is a warm-hearted man to the public service.

D He was supported by the NHS while serving the army.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句Moore, who lives in Marston Moretaine, Bedfordshire, said the NHS has been great in helping him recover from a hip replacement, and from skin cancer on his head.可知,NHS曾在Moore髋关节置换和头部皮肤癌康复方面帮助了他,故选B。

3.The underlined word “exceed” in Paragraph 3 means _______.

A realize

B reduce

C go beyond

D stick to

解析:选C。词义猜测题。根据文章第四段最后二句She said, “He’s breaking it so far. His aim is 100, but I think he intends to do more.” As of the day April 13, he has raised more than 1.2 million pounds.可知,Hannah认为她的父亲正在打破原来设定的行走目标,截止4月13日,他已经筹集了超过120万英镑。由此猜测exceed意为“超过”,与go beyond同义,故选C。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Hannah and his family all supported Moore’s plan.

B Moore will achieve his goal on his 100th birthday.

C Maytrix Group became the main supporter of Moore.

D More people were inspired and gave response to Moore’s kindness.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第二段第一句It’s difficult to imagine all these kind people who have donated so far. I think it’s just amazing.以及第四段最后一句As of the day April 13, he has raised more than 1.2 million pounds.可知, 所有这些好心人到目前为止都捐款了,而且捐助金额在不断上升中,由此推测更多的人被Moore的善举所激励而做出响应,故选D。