宠物狗画画获赞“狗芬奇” 售卖艺术品捐给动物慈善机构
宠物狗画画获赞“狗芬奇” 售卖艺术品捐给动物慈善机构

An artist on Long Island is raising money for animals in need, but it's not who or even what you might expect. Meet Dagger is the dog who is creating works of art, and his pieces are sold all over the world. Art can come in many forms, and so can artists. Dagger is a 3-year-old black dog with quite an eye. His owner Yvonne Dagger says she's just the director. "Every stroke, you see on the canvas is Dagger's mark," she said.

Yvonne took in Dagger as a training dog for Canine Companions for Independence, but there was a different plan for him. One day, Yvonne, an artist, was working in her Massapequa studio when something unexpected happened. "He just started pushing me, and I said, 'Dagger do you want to paint?'" she said. "So his tail started to wag. I said OK."

But like any beginning artist, Dagger's works aren't free. A 12x12 painting will cost you a $50 donation to Canine Companions. "We've taken in so many orders for paintings," Yvonne said. "He was painting yesterday. He will be painting again today." Dagger's works are getting to be quite famous. He's been commissioned by people all over the world to do works of art for them, raising more than a $1,000 for Canine Companions for Independence.

"That's really a great thing for Dagger to be able to do," Yvonne said. "In his way, he's able to give back to the people who were so kind to him." He is an artist and just a plain old good dog. It doesn't get much sweeter than that for the dog called Dog-Vinci.


1.What is Meet Dagger good at?

A Acting.

B Singing.

C Training.

D Painting.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段Meet Dagger is the dog who is creating works of art, and his pieces are sold all over the world.以及最后一句"Every stroke, you see on the canvas is Dagger's mark," she said.可知,狗狗Meet Dagger拥有绘画的天赋,故选D。

2.What was unexpected to Yvonne?

A Meet Dagger always wagged his tail.

B Meet Dagger started keeping barking while eating.

C Meet Dagger liked watching her painting.

D Meet Dagger pushed her while she was painting.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段"He just started pushing me, and I said, 'Dagger do you want to paint?'" she said. "So his tail started to wag. I said OK."可知,Meet Dagger在她画画的时候推了她一下,这出乎她的意料,故选D。

3.Meet Dagger was able to ______.

A make money for his owner

B realize his owner’s dream

C prepare for the works of art display

D support Canine Companions for Independence

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段第一、二句But like any beginning artist, Dagger's works aren't free. A 12x12 painting will cost you a $50 donation to Canine Companions.可知,就像任何一位画家一样,Dagger的作品也不是免费的。一幅12x12的画将花费你50美元,捐赠给爱犬独立联盟,故选D。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Dagger are busy with his creation for his display.

B Dagger's works are donated to Canine Companions.

C Dagger was popular with people around the world.

D Yvonne took Dagger to an art school for training.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句He's been commissioned by people all over the world to do works of art for them, raising more than a $1,000 for Canine Companions for Independence.可知,世界各地的人已委托他绘制艺术作品,推测Dagger受到世界各地的人的欢迎,故选C。