陌生人为女儿生日蛋糕买单 留下纸条让人泪流满面
陌生人为女儿生日蛋糕买单 留下纸条让人泪流满面

Mum Holly Grimet turned up at the supermarket to collect the colourful cake and cupcakes that she had ordered for her daughter. When she went to pay for it, a member of staff told her that the bill had been taken care of. Wondering if one of her friends or family had done the good deed, she was told that a note had been left explaining who was behind it.

The member of staff working at Kroger in Texas warned her the note had left them in floods of tears, and they weren't the only ones after Holly shared it on Facebook. The post attracted hundreds of likes and comments as the mum posted to say “stuff like this never happens to me”.

After preparing herself to read the note, it said, “My son Nehemiah would be 8 years old today. I want to remember my son by doing good to others. I hope you enjoy your child’s cake and I hope your day is special. Hold your baby a little tighter today, watch them as they play, be patient with them, kiss their sweet little hand and tell them how much you love them. Our children are such beautiful gifts! I hope your day is beautiful. Much love from me and my angel in heaven to your family.”

Posting a photo of the moving note, Holly said, “I feel at times I'm always trying to do the right thing and wanting to be a better person even though I fall short daily. This melts my heart. I'm a crying mess. So thankful for my babies and wow Eva just turned 8.”


1.Holly Grimet was told that ________ when she came to the supermarket.

A someone had paid the bill

B her friends had left her a note

C the cake and cupcakes had been sold out

D what she ordered had been missing

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段When she went to pay for it, a member of staff told her that the bill had been taken care of.可知,当她去付款时,一名工作人员告诉她,账单已经搞定了,故选A。

2.How did the workers in the supermarket feel about the matter?

A They were surprised.

B They felt interested.

C They were moved.

D They felt worried.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第二段The member of staff working at Kroger in Texas warned her the note had left them in floods of tears...可知,超市员工告诉她,这张纸条让他们泪流满面,由此推测他们很感动,故选C。

3.Which is NOT mentioned in the note about how to love kids?

A Hugging them tightly.

B Watching them playing.

C Giving them special gifts.

D Showing patience to them.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段Hold your baby a little tighter today, watch them as they play, be patient with them, kiss their sweet little hand and tell them how much you love them.可知未提及给他们特别的礼物,故选C。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Holly loved her children better than herself.

B Holly gave up her ideas of being a strict parent.

C Nehemiah and Eva were born in the same year.

D Nehemiah’s mother left a note of thanks to Holly.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据第三段My son Nehemiah would be 8 years old today.第四段So thankful for my babies and wow Eva just turned 8.可知,Nehemiah如果活着的话现在是8岁,Eva目前也是8岁,由此看出他俩同年出生,故选C。