印尼男子变装“蜘蛛侠”捡垃圾 环保行动更具说服力
印尼男子变装“蜘蛛侠”捡垃圾 环保行动更具说服力

Rudi Hartono, a 36-year-old cafe worker from Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi in Indonesia, always struggled to persuade local people of his small community to keep their home clean by picking up the plastic rubbish on streets and beaches, but had little success. But then he put on a Spiderman suit and people took notice. He accidentally became a local role-model, and people started following his example.
“At first, I did the same activity without wearing this costume and it did not attract the public’s attention in order for them to join and help pick up rubbish,” said Rudi, wearing his red and blue Spider-Man costume. Hartono said, “After wearing this costume, it turns out the public’s response was amazing.”
Rudi bought the Spiderman costume in 2018, as a way to entertain his 2-year-old nephew, but the child only got scared and started crying whenever he saw Rudi dressed as the popular superhero, so the costume went unused for about a year. Then, one day, he got the idea to put it on before going on with rubbish-cleaning work, and the response from the community was quick.
People who simply ignored him before started following his example when they saw him dressed as Spiderman. The effect was so great that he took to Facebook and made a video dressed as the superhero, inviting other people to join the fight against littering and pollution.
Although dressed up as the Spiderman for only a few months, Rudi Hartono has become a  famous person in Pare-Pare. The report about him has appeared in national newspapers, and he has made appearances on several national TV shows, using these opportunities to inspire people to fight against plastic pollution and do their part in keeping the Earth clean.


1.What kind of person is Rudi Hartono?

A He is an advocator for green life.

B He is a host of TV shows.

C He is a famous actor in Pare-Pare.

D He is a kind and helpful donator.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第一段第一句always struggled to persuade local people of his small community to keep their home clean by picking up the plastic rubbish on streets and beaches可知,长期以来Rudi Hartono一直尝试说服社区居民捡拾街道和海滩上的塑料垃圾,让大家的生活环境更加干净,由此看出他是一个绿色生活的倡导者,故选A。

2.Rudi Hartono failed to _______ without wearing a Spiderman suit.

A play with his nephew at home

B draw people’s attention in public

C persuade all the people to clean up streets

D pick up the plastic rubbish as much as he could

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句At first, I did the same activity without wearing this costume and it did not attract the public’s attention in order for them to join and help pick up rubbish可知,起初,Rudi在没有穿这件衣服的情况下让社区居民加入并帮忙捡垃圾,结果没人理会他,也就是说并未引起公众的注意,故选B。

3.What’s the original use of the Spiderman suit?

A The stage performance.

B Rubbish-cleaning work.

C Wearing on social media.

D Making Rudi’s nephew happy.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句Rudi bought the Spiderman costume in 2018, as a way to entertain his 2-year-old nephew可知,在2018年Rudi买了蜘蛛侠的服装,哄他2岁侄子的开心,故选D。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A A watched pot never boils.

B Failure is the mother of success.

C Where there is a will, there is a way.

D A little action can make a big difference to the society.
