比利时男子32年晚餐只吃炸薯条 称未发胖很健康
比利时男子32年晚餐只吃炸薯条 称未发胖很健康

Rudy Gybels, a 45-year-old Belgian man, has had the same food for dinner every evening since he was a teenager. It all started when he was 13, when his mother came up with a way to get him to eat more fruits and vegetables. Gybels would eat healthy food at lunch, and he was free to enjoy his favorite food potato fries for dinner. And he has been sticking to that deal ever since, eating only fries for dinner every evening for the last 32 years.

Gybels was called “The Ultimate Belgian” by national newspapers. Two years ago, when a serious flu prevented him from going out and buying his usual dinner, he has actually been eating only fries for over thirty years. During that time, he says that he has eaten around 11,680 packs of fries. “Some people need their cup of coffee or their pack of cigarettes a day, but I need my daily pack of fries,” Gybels jokingly said.

Although preferring the fast food treat, Rudy Gybels weighs only 70 kilograms and says to be in good health. He hasn’t had any blood tests done in a while, though, and admits that he is a bit worried about the results of his diet on his health. Still, he is one of those people who believe that life is too short not to enjoy the things you like.

Interestingly, Gybels is one of the administrators of a well-known Facebook group in Flanders where around 44,000 members regularly share and discuss food recipes. That’s kind of an odd position for a person that eats the same thing every night.


1.How did Gybels form the eating habit?

A His mother’s habit affected him.

B He wanted to reduce the family burden.

C His mother couldn’t afford any other food.

D He reached an agreement on food with his mother.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第一段It all started when he was 13, when his mother came up with a way to get him to eat more fruits and vegetables. Gybels would eat healthy food at lunch, and he was free to enjoy his favorite food potato fries for dinner.可知,Gybels和母亲之间就饮食问题达成了一致,故选D。

2._______ stopped Gybels changing his diet.

A Unexpected illness

B Bad weather

C Traffic jams

D Travelling abroad

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段Two years ago, when a serious flu prevented him from going out and buying his usual dinner, he has actually been eating only fries for over thirty years. 可知,两年前当一场严重的流感阻止了他外出购买常规晚餐时,他实际上已经超过30年晚餐只吃薯条。由此推测疾病暂时阻止Gybels改变其饮食习惯,故选A。

3.Gybels may have _____ because of his diet.

A overweight problems

B health problems

C blood problems

D mental problems

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第三段He hasn’t had any blood tests done in a while, though, and admits that he is a bit worried about the results of his diet on his health.可知,他有点担心他的饮食对他的健康的影响,故选B。

4.What does the author think about the Gybels’s situation?

A Supportive.

B Amusing.

C Negative.

D Surprising.

解析:选B。观点态度题。根据第四段Interestingly, Gybels is one of the administrators of a well-known Facebook group in Flanders where around 44,000 members regularly share and discuss food recipes.可知作者认为有趣,故选B。