“硬核”防疫:印度警察戴冠状病毒头盔执勤 警告人们勿外出
“硬核”防疫:印度警察戴冠状病毒头盔执勤 警告人们勿外出

Rajesh Babu wore a helmet and it looked like the coronavirus(冠状病毒) to frighten people when they saw him out on duty. The country India doesn’t allow people to go out in 21 days. In Chennai, Rajesh was seen to stop a driver and tried to make him realize the importance of staying home.

He said, “We take all the steps but still people come out on the streets. So this coronavirus helmet is one of the steps to make sure that people realize the seriousness of the police. The helmet is a try to do something different. When I wear this, the thought of coronavirus comes into the minds of the people. Especially, the children feel terrible after seeing this and want to be taken home.” It is said that local artist Gowtham made a helmet using paper and gave it to him to wear.


1.The helmet _______.

A is very dangerous

B is just for fun

C can give people a warning

D is a new toy for children

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段frighten people when they saw him out on duty和第二段So this coronavirus helmet is one of the steps to make sure that people realize the seriousness of the police.可知,这个冠状病毒头盔是确保人们意识到警察的严肃性的举措之一,也就是说起到警示作用,这故选C。

2._______ want to be taken home when they see the helmet.

A Artists

B Drivers

C Children

D Old people

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段Especially, the children feel terrible after seeing this and want to be taken home.可知, 孩子们看到这个头盔后感到很可怕,想被带回家,由此说明头盔对孩子有作用,故选C。

3.Who gave Rajesh the strange helmet?

A Gowtham.

B A child.

C His parents.

D A policeman.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段It is said that local artist Gowtham made a helmet using paper and gave it to him to wear.可知,是当地艺术家Gowtham用纸做了这个头盔,故选A。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A The police in India are much cleverer at work.

B Indian people don’t like going to the streets now.

C Coronavirus has made all the people afraid.

D The police have tried many ways to stop people going out.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第二段We take all the steps but still people come out on the streets.可知他们采取了所有的措施,但仍有人走上街头。由此推测,警察为了阻止人们外出已经尝试了许多方法,故选D。