美国医生开车超速 警察不开罚单赠N95口罩
美国医生开车超速 警察不开罚单赠N95口罩

A doctor is praising a Minnesota state police who stopped her for speeding, but gave her N95 masks instead of a ticket. Dr. Sarosh Ashraf Janjua thanked State Police Brian J Schwartz for his act of kindness during the coronavirus pandemic in a Facebook post.

Dr. Janjua, a cardiologist working in the area, explained she was pulled over after driving over the speed limit. Police Schwartz told her it was irresponsible for her to be speeding because it would take up resources if she got into an accident and she would not be able to help her patients.

She waited to be slapped with a ticket, but instead, he let her off with a warning — plus five medical masks. They came from a supply that the state had given him for his own protection, according to Janjua. "I burst into tears," she said. "And though it may just have been the cold wind, I think he teared up a little as well, before wishing me well and walking away."

Like many of her fellow health care workers and first responders, Dr. Janjua said she had been feeling fear for not having enough protective equipment and worried about what would happen if she fell sick far from home.

"This complete stranger, who owed me nothing and is more on the front lines than I am, shared his valuable masks with me, without my even asking," she added. "We are going to be OK." The Minnesota State Patrol praised the doctor and the police for their hard work and dedication.


1.Dr. Janjua was stopped because ______.

A she drove very fast

B she didn’t wear a mask

C she got into an accident

D she drove along a wrong way

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第一段A doctor is praising a Minnesota state police who stopped her for speeding, but gave her N95 masks instead of a ticket.可知,明尼苏达州的一名警察因为医生超速而拦住了她,故选A。

2.The underlined word “irresponsible” in Paragraph 2 means _________ in Chinese.

A 危机四伏的

B 考虑不周的

C 忠于职守的

D 不负责任的

解析:选D。词义猜测题。根据第二段...because it would take up resources if she got into an accident and she would not be able to help her patients.可知警察Schwartz认为若Janjua医生出事,不仅占用医疗资源,且无法为患者提供帮助,因此猜测她的超速行为是“不负责任的”,故选D。

3.What happened to Dr. Janjua at last?

A She was given a ticket.

B She found Police Schwartz crying.

C She was allowed to leave with masks.

D She was wished to have a happy day.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段She waited to be slapped with a ticket, but instead, he let her off with a warning — plus five medical masks.可知,她等待着被开罚单,但警察以警告的方式让她离开了并送她五个医用口罩,故选C。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Dr. Janjua was familiar with Police Schwartz.

B Police Schwartz had to give up his job for not giving a ticket.

C The Minnesota State hoped more people would help doctors in need.

D Many doctors like Dr. Janjua may be lack of masks while saving patients.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第四段...she had been feeling fear for not having enough protective equipment and worried about what would happen if she fell sick far from home...可知Janjua医生害怕没有足够的保护设备,她觉得警察赠送的口罩非常珍贵,由此推测他们可能缺乏口罩,故选D。