法国男子居家隔离 跑7小时阳台马拉松
法国男子居家隔离 跑7小时阳台马拉松

One runner didn't let the French government's order to remain indoors prevent him from training for a marathon during the coronavirus pandemic.
Last week, Elisha Nochomovitz, a 32-year-old restaurant worker, ran the length of a marathon—on his 23-foot long balcony. And he did it in six hours and 48 minutes, a personal record nearly double that of his previous finish time. "My only pleasure is running, no matter what the time," Nochomovitz said. He lives in the French city of Balma near Toulouse.
He devoted his run to medical workers working through this pandemic, who he feels are doing a wonderful job. Although Nochomovitz has run 36 marathons, he said his balcony marathon was the most challenging. Because of the short length of the balcony, Nochomovitz was unable to gain any momentum or speed as he had to constantly turn back and forth. He said he ran about 3,000 laps.
Luckily, Nochomovitz said his girlfriend was there to support him, feeding him M&M's and Coca Cola to help him refuel as he ran. Though his balcony is nothing like the streets of Barcelona, where he was supposed to run the marathon on March 15 before it got canceled, Nochomovitz said the experience was meaningful. Some people, he said, even reached out to say they were encouraged by him.


1.Where did Nochomovitz run a marathon?

A On the street.

B On the balcony.

C In the living room.

D On the playground.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句Last week, Elisha Nochomovitz, a 32-year-old restaurant worker, ran the length of a marathon—on his 23-foot long balcony.可知,Elisha Nochomovitz在家中23英尺长的阳台上跑完了全程马拉松,故选B。

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A Nochomovitz is a running lover at any time.

B Nochomovitz created the most marathon record.

C Nochomovitz worked as a manager in a restaurant.

D Nochomovitz once ran the length of a marathon at home.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句"My only pleasure is running, no matter what the time," Nochomovitz said.可知,Nochomovitz唯一的乐趣就是跑步,不管在什么时候,故选A。

3.Nochomovitz felt it _______ to finish the marathon at home.

A easy

B difficult

C interesting

D wonderful

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第三段第二句Although Nochomovitz has run 36 marathons, he said his balcony marathon was the most challenging.可知,尽管Nochomovitz已经跑了36次马拉松,但觉得这次阳台马拉松最具挑战性,由此看出这次跑步过程很艰难,故选B。

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A Some people watched all the running online.

B The French government limited indoor sports training.

C Medical workers encouraged Nochomovitz to challenge himself.

D Nochomovitz’s girlfriend played an important role in his running.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第四段第一句Luckily, Nochomovitz said his girlfriend was there to support him, feeding him M&M's and Coca Cola to help him refuel as he ran.可知,幸运的是,Nochomovitz说他的女朋友在一边支持他,给他M&M's巧克力豆和可口可乐,帮助他在跑步时补充能量,由此说明Nochomovitz的女友在他跑步过程中起了重要的作用,故选D。