美国一鹦鹉遇大火尖叫出声 成一家人的救命英雄
美国一鹦鹉遇大火尖叫出声 成一家人的救命英雄

Barbara Klein, her husband Larry and their six-year-old granddaughter Kaitlyn Rose Pellerin were fast asleep when a fire started in their kitchen. But Louie the parrot started squawking “fire”, which was enough to raise the family from their sleep. Unluckily, the parrot lost his life in the fire along with family’s four dogs.
But Barbara, from Lebanon, Tennessee, US, said, “Louie is a true hero. If it weren’t for him, I probably would have been sleeping during the fire. He started saying ‘fire’. He had never said that word before in my memory. When I woke up, the fire was starting to spread across the living room floor.”
The fire started in the early hours of February 3. After being woken up, Larry tried to fight the fire. “He ran to the kitchen and was trying to put the fire out with water,” Barbara said. “After we left, he ran back into the house to try to save our dogs and his grandfather’s guitar. He kept saying he couldn’t breathe and I was shouting at him to leave the house. I told him to get down and he crawled out. I pulled him out of the fire. Then we got in the car and drove out of the driveway.” 
Larry was sent to the Medical Center for urgent treatment. It was a miracle that he survived. The community came together and gave Kaitlyn a birthday party with 100 people. Someone donated the apartment for three months, and also gave them a baby parrot as well. They called him Louie Jr.



1.The fire happened in the kitchen _________.

A when Louie was on duty

B when four dogs were barking

C when Louie started a warning

D when Louie’s owners woke up

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句But Louie the parrot started squawking “fire”, which was enough to raise the family from their sleep.可知,火灾发生时,鹦鹉Louie开始大叫“火”,让一家人从睡梦中醒来,故选C。

2.Why was Louie a true hero?

A Because he lost his life.

B Because he kept his owners safe.

C Because he first fought the fire.

D Because he did something he had never done.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句Louie is a true hero. If it weren’t for him, I probably would have been sleeping during the fire.可知,如果没有鹦鹉Louie发出叫声,Barbara和家人还在睡梦中,他们随时会被无情大火所吞噬,Louie的提醒使他们安全脱险,故选B。

3.What’s the right order according to the passage? ① Larry ran back into the house. ② Barbara asked Larry to leave the house. ③ Barbara pulled Larry out of the fire. ④ Larry wanted to put the fire out with water.

A ①③②④

B ①④②③

C ④①③②

D ④①②③


4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Better safe than sorry.

B Many hands make light work.

C There is no love in the fire but man has.

D To be kind to animals is to be kind to yourself.
