巴西男子身高超2米 脚太大无缘驾照
巴西男子身高超2米 脚太大无缘驾照

Denis Albino is Brazil's second tallest man, standing at a height of 7 feet 5 inches. You might already be thinking: how does he find clothes? How big are his feet? It is easy for him to change light bulbs, pick apples and put the star on top of the Christmas tree, but being so tall has its drawbacks. Take driving a car for an example.

Denis was born in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia. He first learned to drive in 1994 when he was 21 years old. However, although he tried to get a licence many times, he has always been thought to be too big for the vehicle that he used for the tests. With size 15.5 shoes, his feet are believed too big for the pedals as well, according to reports. Four years ago, he bought a car and extended the driver's seat to have 10 centimetres more room so his legs could fit. However, his head was still touching the roof.    

Denis said he met with similar problems on flights, telling local media, "I always have to book a seat by the emergency exits where there is space for my legs, otherwise I cannot fly." He said he has been stopped by the police several times while driving a car without a licence and added, "Every time I was pulled over, they listened to my story and helped."  


1.Denis can do many things easily EXCEPT _____.

A picking fruit

B changing light bulbs

C decorating the Christmas tree

D driving his car

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段It is easy for him to change light bulbs, pick apples and put the star on top of the Christmas tree, but being so tall has its drawbacks.可知换灯泡、摘苹果和把星星放在圣诞树顶部对Denis来说都很简单,but表示转折,可知驾车对他来说不简单,故选D。

2.The underlined word “drawbacks” means ______ in Chinese.

A 优势

B 缺点

C 匹配

D 失误


3.What did NOT trouble Denis in his daily life?

A The car’s room.

B The driving licence.

C The driving shoes.

D Taking a plane.


4.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A Denis was unable to travel by plane.

B Denis failed to get a license till now.

C Denis wasn’t often allowed to drive on the road.

D Denis told the police his story to pass the test.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第三段He said he has been stopped by the police several times while driving a car without a licence and added, "Every time I was pulled over, they listened to my story and helped."可知Denis在无驾照开车时多次被警察拦下,由此看出他至今仍未获得驾照,故选B。