
Parents will be fined £1 for every five minutes if they are late to pick up their kids at a Kent school. Teachers at Holy Trinity CofE Primary, in Gravesend could even ring social services if the children are still waiting to be collected at 4 pm. And if parents cannot be contacted, kids will be admitted into the care of the local authority. The new policy to prevent even a ten minute late pick-up has left parents furious.

One parent said, “As parents of the school we were shocked to receive this information from the school. Gravesend is a poor area and many parents struggle to work due to the cost of childcare. Lots of schools finish around the same time and this means that it is a struggle to get kids on time. The school used to let kids wait in the library, then we were told the library was closed for refurbishments. The school offered an after-school club a couple of years ago, but this was closed by the headmaster with little notice because it didn't make enough money.”

 But the school says the costs are to cover teachers staying late to supervise the children. Headmaster Denise Gibbs-Naguar said, “The policy was introduced this week to ensure all our children are collected from school on time; this is for each individual child’s benefit as well as for the whole school. School finishes at 3:30 pm but the number of uncollected children is increasing. They are still at school at 4 pm. The school is not able to sustain this cost which is used to pay the staff for supervising those children. What’s more, pupils who are collected late often show signs of anxiety and distress as they don't know where their parent or carer is and worry that something may have happened to them. As of Monday afternoon, I had not received any response from parents or carers about the policy, but I always encourage families to contact me if they would like to discuss anything.”


1.What will NOT be done if a kid isn’t collected on time?

A Parents will be fined if they are late for collecting kids.

B The teachers will be allowed to ring social services.

C Parents will be left to take care of other kids.

D The kid will be looked after by the local authority.


2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A Parents have a chance to be late for collecting kids.

B Parents in Gravesend have to work hard to make a living.

C The school encouraged the kids to join the after-school club now.

D The school now provides the library for kids to stay after school.


3.The underlined word “supervise” in Paragraph 3 means _____.

A advise and obey

B watch over and direct

C follow and instruct

D divide and share

解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据第一段和第三段But the school says the costs are to cover teachers staying late to supervise the children.以及The school is not able to sustain this cost which is used to pay the staff for supervising those children.可知,学校因无足够费用来支付教职工,被迫选择罚款,选择社会服务中心或地方当局照顾等方式来解决问题,由此推测supervise意为“监管”, 故选B。

4.What is the main problem hard for the school to solve?

A The lack of money.

B The teachers’ complaints.

C The kids’ anxiety and distress.

D The increasing number of uncollected kids.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第二段The school offered an after-school club a couple of years ago, but this was closed by the headmaster with little notice because it didn't make enough money.以及最后一段The school is not able to sustain this cost which is used to pay the staff for supervising those children.可推断困扰学校运作的是经费问题,故选A。