
Q: At recess(课间休息), I don't know what to do because all my friends are playing games I don't like or don't want to play. So I end up standing by myself at recess doing nothing. What should I do?
Alex Rider, 13, Bloomfield, N. J.
A: In fact, recess was my least favorite part of the school day for Grades 1 to 5. I was never really into playing kickball. So, like you, I spent many days at recess standing alone. Take advantage of the extra time you have. I learned that reading a book is the best way to pass time, especially if it is sunny. Books are good for a lonely recess, because they take you out of your world and into another. If reading isn't your thing, then try making new friends. Some other things I would do at recess were chess and paper cutting. Those might be worth trying. Maybe the teacher who is watching over all the kids needs someone to talk to as well. Whatever you want to do, don't let your time go to waste. 
Johnny Hayes, 15
A: Do you believe in time travel, Alex? Because you just dragged me 40 years into the past. When I was 13, half my friends threw themselves into kickball at recess—which was too vigorous(剧烈的) for me right after lunch. So, like you, I stood around a lot. Then, one day, my teacher, Susie, asked me, "What do you want to do?” I had no answer for her. But suddenly, it came to me: marbles! I asked a few friends, and they were happy to join me. Now, I'm not suggesting you play marbles, only that you consider what you feel like doing and can make you happy. And one last idea: There's no harm in trying games your friends are playing that you think you won't like. You might just surprise yourself. 
Philip Galanes, adult


1.Who is asking for advice?

A Alex Rider.

B Johnny Hayes.

C Susie.

D Philip Galanes.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二封回信中Do you believe in time travel, Alex?“你相信时间旅行吗,亚历克斯?”可知,这是给Alex Rider的回信,故选A。

2.One of Philip’s suggestions is to _______.

A read a book

B talk to a teacher

C do what you feel like doing

D stand without doing anything

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二封回信中only that you consider what you feel like doing can make you happy.“只是建议你考虑到你想要做什么,什么才能让你快乐。”可知,他的建议之一是做你想要做的事情,故选C。

3.Why do Johnny and Philip mention the kickball game at their schools?

A To show they shared similar experiences.

B To show they were good at the kickball game.

C To encourage Alex to make use of the new game.

D To encourage Alex to surprise himself with a new game.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第二封回信中When I was 13, half my friends threw themselves into kickball at recess—which was too vigorous(剧烈的) for me right after lunch. So, like you, I stood around a lot.“我13岁的时候,有一半的朋友在课间休息的时候投进了足球——午餐后我觉得这个球太刺激了。所以,像你一样,我经常站在周围。”可知,他跟亚历克斯的感受一样,有相同的经历,故选A。

4.Which part of a newspaper may this passage be taken from?

A Science Study.

B Art Style.

C Sports World.

D Teenage Problem.
