女儿抱怨家里穷 妈妈直接带她们到乌干达体验真正的贫穷
女儿抱怨家里穷 妈妈直接带她们到乌干达体验真正的贫穷

Ziz York, from Inverness, Scotland, said the unusual holiday was meaningful for her children Nia, nine, and Robyn, eight. Ziz who works for the charity Teams4U in Uganda, paid for her kids to go on the trip with her.
She said, "Before we went to Uganda, my daughters had been complaining that we're so poor because they'd seen friends get holidays to Disney World or getting an Xbox for their birthdays and things like that. I turned round and said that you have a roof over your head; we have change in our pockets; we can buy pretty much what we want in a supermarket; you have freedom of movement; we are in the top five percent richest in the world."
The kids did not believe their mother, saying they didn't have a big house or servants, so Ziz decided to show them the conditions which some in Uganda are forced to live in. She said, "We do live in a comfortable condition, so Uganda was mind-blowing for them. I think the biggest eye-opener for them was just the lack of clothing. They were seeing children that were a quarter dressed because their clothes were that ragged. They saw the lack of basic supplies. The Ugandan kids didn't have pens, paper, underwear, and a lot of them didn't have shoes. There were no toys."
Although Nia and Robyn did not see some kids lack of nutrition in the country, or those dying from malaria, Ziz said they were given enough insight to understand why Uganda needs help. She added, "I wish more British people could get that point."


1.Which of the following is TRUE about Ziz York?

A She likes travelling a lot.

B She is a mother of twins in the UK.

C She works as a charity worker in Uganda.

D She plans a winter trip for her kid to Uganda.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句Ziz who works for the charity Teams4U in Uganda, paid for the pair to go on the trip with her.可知,Ziz在乌干达为慈善团体Team4U工作,故选C。

2.Ziz’s kids expected to do many things EXCEPT _______.

A having a big house and servants

B getting an Xbox for their birthdays

C going to Disney World for a holiday

D buying something in the supermarket

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句She said, "Before we went to Uganda, my daughters had been complaining that we're so poor because they'd seen friends get holidays to Disney World or getting an Xbox for their birthdays and things like that.以及第三段第一句The kids did not believe their mother, saying they didn't have a big house or servants可知,Ziz的孩子们很期待到迪斯尼乐园游玩,得到一个Xbox作为生日礼物以及拥有豪宅和仆人,文中未提及她们想到超市购物,故选D。

3.The underlined word “mind-blowing” in Paragraph 3 means _______.

A wonderful

B surprising

C interesting

D disappointing


4.What can we infer from this passage?

A Ziz’s kids will learn a good lesson from this trip.

B People in Uganda are poor because of illnesses.

C The poorest people in the world are living in Uganda.

D More British people should become volunteers of charity.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第四段Ziz said they were given enough insight to understand why Uganda needs help.可知,Ziz认为她的孩子们有足够的洞察力来理解乌干达为什么需要帮助,由此推断这次旅行给她们上了一堂很好的课,故选A。