韩国母亲通过VR与去世女儿“见面” 观者泪目
韩国母亲通过VR与去世女儿“见面” 观者泪目

A South Korean documentary called Meeting You broadcast the reunion of a mother and an avatar of her daughter, who died in 2016 at the age of seven from an illness. Jang Ji-sung, the mother of four, wore a VR headset and gloves that allowed her to see, hear and touch the digitized version of her daughter. Jang was filmed in front of a green screen and formed her hands as though she was holding the girl's face.

The documentary aims to reunite sad relatives with lost family members. The two spent some time in a digitized park. The girl interacted with her mother, and told her that she misses her. The mother grew emotional and replied, "I miss you, too." The girl finally tells her mother that she is tired and falls asleep.

During the filming, Jang's husband and one of her other children watched from the audience and were also brought to tears. "Maybe it’s a real paradise," Jang said. "I met Nayeon (her daughter), who called me with a smile, for a very short time, but it’s a very happy time. I think I’ve had the dream I’ve always wanted."

Dr. Blay Whitby, an expert from the University of Sussex, said that the show raised some concern. He said the VR aspect of reuniting with a dead loved one was new ground. "We just don't know the psychological effects of being reunited with someone in this way," he said.


1.What kind of programme is Meeting You?

A A game show.

B A chat show.

C A documentary.

D A science fiction.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段A South Korean documentary called Meeting You broadcast the reunion of a mother and an avatar of her daughter, who died in 2016 at the age of seven from an illness.可知,所播出的节目是韩国一部名为《遇见你》的纪录片,故选C。

2.The mother experienced real feelings EXCEPT ______.

A vision

B smell

C touch

D hearing

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段Jang Ji-sung, the mother of four, wore a VR headset and gloves that allowed her to see, hear and touch the digitized version of her daughter.可知,母亲戴着VR耳机和手套,可以看到、听到和触摸到数字化版本的女儿,文中未提及嗅觉体验,故选B。

3.Dr. Blay Whitby worried about ______ behind the show.

A the positive role

B the public response

C the social background

D the psychological effect

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第四段"We just don't know the psychological effects of being reunited with someone in this way," he said.可知,他说我们只是不知道以这种方式与某人“团聚”的心理影响,也就是说说产生的心理影响让他感到担忧,故选D。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A The girl and the mother met each other any time.

B The loss of the girl was great pain to her family.

C The girl’s mother was afraid to see her daughter.

D All the girl’s family members came and got moved.
