英国鞋匠手指被夹断 医生移花接木将脚趾变手指
英国鞋匠手指被夹断 医生移花接木将脚趾变手指

David Lee, a professional cobbler, was repairing the heel of a shoe when his hand got hurt in the machine. The accident reportedly resulted in Lee’s thumb getting severed from his hand. “I shouted for someone to ring an ambulance, but I couldn’t see how bad it was. I saw my thumb drop on the floor,” he said. “I had no pain though. I didn’t look as I compressed it with my jumper. I calmly turned the machines in the shop off. I walked straight away, and I knew how bad it was and I just worried that I wouldn’t be able to fix shoes again. I went outside for a cigarette while I waited for the ambulance.”
Lee admits that he cried his eyes out when he thought about it, as he thought he was going to lose his shop. He was more concerned about that than his thumb because this is his passion. After being taken to a nearby hospital, he was transferred to the Pulvertaft Hand Centre, at Royal Derby Hospital, where doctors suggested using his big toe to replace the thumb. Lee agreed, saying his main concern was his business.
When he was asked about his new thumb, he said, “It feels heavy having a toe where the thumb should be.” Now, after recovering from the injury, Lee is back to cobbling and he’s even able to use his toe-thumb to paint shoes, which he says is a hobby of his.


1.Lee hurt his hand while ________.

A putting on his shoes

B ringing an ambulance

C operating the machine

D turning on the machines

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句David Lee, a professional cobbler, was repairing the heel of a shoe when his hand got hurt in the machine.可知,职业鞋匠David Lee在修理鞋跟时,他的手在机器上受伤了,故选C。

2.Which of the following is the right order? ① Lee smoked outside. ② Lee walked straight away. ③ Lee turned off the machines. ④ Lee got on an ambulance.

A ④①②③

B ③①②④

C ②③①④

D ③②①④

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段倒数三句I calmly turned the machines in the shop off. I walked straight away, and I knew how bad it was and I just worried that I wouldn’t be able to fix shoes again. I went outside for a cigarette while I waited for the ambulance.可知,受伤后,Lee平静地把商店里的机器关掉了,直接走开,然后他到外面抽烟,等候救护车的到来,故选D。

3.What did Lee worry about most?

A He would lose his thumb.

B He would no longer run his shop.

C His toe would replace the thumb.

D He would have to stay in hospital alone.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一、二句Lee admits that he cried his eyes out when he thought about it, as he thought he was going to lose his shop. He was more concerned about that than his thumb because this is his passion.以及最后一句Lee agreed, saying his main concern was his business.可知,Lee哭出来因为他以为他会失去他的商店,比起他的拇指,他更关心他的商店,因为这是他的爱好,故选B。

4.What’s the ending of this story?

A Lee had to give up his job.

B Lee was sent to another hospital.

C Lee formed a new hobby instead.

D Lee was able to work with his new thumb.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句Now, after recovering from the injury, Lee is back to cobbling and he’s even able to use his toe-thumb to paint shoes, which he says is a hobby of his.可知, 从伤病中恢复过来之后,Lee又回去修鞋了,他甚至能够用他的脚趾拇指来给鞋子上漆,故选D。