英国小伙为应对气候危机不坐飞机坐火车 花一个月到达中国
英国小伙为应对气候危机不坐飞机坐火车 花一个月到达中国

Twenty-four trains, nine countries, 13,500 miles. They are the numbers behind the train journey one man took from Southampton in the UK to eastern China. Roger Tyers, 37, spent a month on board trains and over $2,500 — almost triple the cost of a return flight to travel to the Chinese port city Ningbo.
It was the climate crisis, not a love of trains, that drove Tyers to choose this route over a return flight. Tyers said that he felt it necessary to stop flying when UN climate experts warned that the world has less than 11 years to avoid terrible levels of global warming. Tyers said that his train journey to China produced almost 90% less emissions than a return flight. A passenger on a return flight from London to New York brings as much CO2 as the average person in the European Union does by heating their home each year, according to the European Commission.
Tyers is not the only person to avoid air travel in response to climate change. Thousands of people worldwide have publicly pledged to stop flying, including teenage activist Greta Thunberg, who has inspired youth climate protests around the world.
Activist Maja Rosen started the "Flight Free" campaign in Sweden in 2018 with the aim of encouraging 100,000 people not to fly for one year. Although only around 14,000 people signed the online "#flightfree2019" pledge, Rosen said that the campaign had made more people aware of the urgency of the climate crisis and motivated them to travel by train more often. Rosen, who stopped flying 12 years ago, says one of the problems is that people feel there's no point in what you do as an individual. The campaign is about making people aware that if we do this together, we can actually make a huge difference. 


1.It is NOT a(n) _________ journey according to the numbers.

A amazing

B far

C interesting

D unforgettable

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第一段第一句 Twenty-four trains, nine countries, 13,500 miles.可知24趟列车,9个国家,13500英里,根据这些数字可以推测这次旅程一定是令人惊讶的、艰苦的和令人难忘的,没有表明是有趣的,故选C。

2.What caused Tyers to be on board trains?

A Saving money.

B A love of trains.

C UN climate experts’ warning.

D The inspiration from activists.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一、二句It was the climate crisis, not a love of trains, that drove Tyers to choose this route over a return flight. Tyers said that he felt it necessary to stop flying when UN climate experts warned that the world has less than 11 years to avoid terrible levels of global warming.可知,Tyers由于联合国气候专家去年警告称存在气候危机,才选择火车出行的,故选C。

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 4?

A Individuals can do nothing about the climate crisis.

B Many people are still not aware of the climate crisis now.

C 100,000 people were in response to the "Flight Free" campaign.

D The "Flight Free" campaign required people to travel only by train.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第二句the campaign had made more people aware of the urgency of the climate crisis and motivated them to travel by train more often以及第三句one of the problems is that people feel there's no point in what you do as an individual.可知,该活动让更多人意识到了气候危机的紧迫性,并激励他们更多地乘坐火车出行,而还有一个问题是人们觉得个人做出的努力是徒劳的,由此推测许多人现在仍然没有意识到气候危机,故选B。

4.The author introduces his topic by ________.

A posing a contrast

B making a comparison

C giving more examples

D explaining a phenomenon

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要讲述了Tyers为了应对气候变化而选择火车旅行的故事,文中又通过列举活动家Greta Thunberg和Maja Rosen两个事例加以说明Tyers 并不是唯一一个避免航空旅行的人,故选C。