新加坡出租车司机不慎刮花保时捷 车主仅收1新币赔偿获好评
新加坡出租车司机不慎刮花保时捷 车主仅收1新币赔偿获好评

A Singaporean, whose Porsche car was scratched after an accident with a taxi decided to be kind and charge the driver only S$1 for repairs. In a Facebook post, the driver under the user name Fed Wu, shared photos of the accident and some screenshots of his talk with the taxi driver.

At first the taxi driver paid him S$200 as compensation but Wu returned S$199 to him after saying that he managed to get the car repaired for a cheap price. In his screenshots, Wu also shared his empathy towards the taxi driver saying that it was a difficult job and taxi drivers were trying to make a living during this period of time with the high risk.

Besides that, Wu also praised the taxi driver for doing with it calmly and for saying that it was his mistake in the first place. “I must say that I received a compensation of S$1 for the above repair and no further claim will be made against you,” he said in his talk with the taxi driver. The post has now over 3,000 likes and 4,000 shares along with comments praising Wu for his selfless action.


1.The taxi driver owns the qualities EXCEPT ________.

A sincerity

B calmness

C honesty

D carefulness


2.Fed Wu ______ after the accident.

A received $199

B called the police

C drove his car away

D didn’t ask for much money

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句A Singaporean, whose Porsche car was scratched after an accident with a taxi decided to be kind and charge the driver only S$1 for repairs.可知,Fed Wu的保时捷在与出租车发生事故后被划伤,但他只向司机收取1新元的修理费,故选D。

3.The underlined word “empathy” means ______ in Chinese.

A 愤怒

B 同情

C 支持

D 援助

解析:选B。词义猜测题。根据第二段... saying that it was a difficult job and taxi drivers were trying to make a living during this period of time with the high risk.可知,保时捷车主指出这是一项困难的工作,出租车司机在这段时间里要冒着很大的风险努力谋生,由此看出车主是“同情”出租车司机的处境,故选B。

4.This story tells us that________.

A it's better late than never

B facts speak louder than words

C one should answer for what he does himself

D one good turn deserves another

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据全文可知,保时捷车主Fed Wu自始至终表现出大度和涵养,他只是象征性地收取了出租车司机一新元的修理费,获得了网友的一致好评,体现“善有善报”,故选D。