
Peter Dawe believed his strange invention could be popular and help rough sleepers all over the world. The design — two bins joined together at the lid hinge, was laughed at on social media. But the man, from Ely, Cambridgeshire, now plans to make a YouTube video showing people how to create their own pod, which he says it cost just £100.

Mr Dawe made millions of money after founding Unipalm, the UK's first commercial Internet provider. He said he came up with the idea to build the homeless pods after trying to create an electric car out of bins. "I saw the rough sleepers complaining their living conditions," said Dawe. "It is very bad to lie on the street in a sleeping bag." The inventor said that building the homeless pod was as easy as screwing two bins together. He said, "In fact,it’s really safe and dry."

But people have criticized Mr Dawe, saying that asking homeless people to sleep in his invention is demeaning, which looks like two bins that have been knocked over. Stewart Graeme said, “Shipping containers for the homeless are a great idea. I don't know whether to laugh in doubt or cry.” While Matthew Taylor said, "This is possibly one of the worst and most demeaning inventions that I've ever seen. Remember that you could buy a cheap tent for that price and it might actually work to sleep in." But Dawe said, "Hopefully they will like it, and more rough sleepers will have a good night."Whether or not his invention catches on, the need for a way to the problem of rough sleeping is clear.


1.Peter Dawe is NOT a(n) ________.

A designer

B inventor

C engineer

D businessman

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据全文可知,Peter Dawe是一位商人、睡眠舱的设计者和发明者,文中未提及他是工程师,故选C。

2.Who might be the user of the invention?

A The hikers.

B Family pets.

C The street cleaners.

D The homeless.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句Peter Dawe believed his strange invention could be popular and help rough sleepers all over the world.可知,Peter Dawe相信他的奇怪发明可以帮助世界各地的流浪者,也就是无家可归的人,故选D。

3.The invention has advantages EXCEPT that _________.

A it’s not expensive

B It’s easy to be resold

C it’s easy to join together

D it protects sleepers on the street

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段和第二段可知,Peter Dawe声称他的发明是一种干燥又安全的“睡眠舱”,价格不贵,仅花费100英镑就能购得,而且安装方便,文中未提及很容易被再次卖出,故选B。

4.What’s the writer’s attitude to the invention?

A Positive.

B Optimistic.

C Unconcerned.

D Objective.

解析:选D。观点态度题。根据全文和第三段最后一句Whether or not his invention catches on, the need for a way to the problem of rough sleeping is clear.可知,作者全文站在客观的角度陈述各方观点,并在最后指出无论此发明是否变得流行,解决流浪者的睡眠问题的必要性都是显而易见的,故选D。