行业更替 苹果手表2019销量超瑞士手表
行业更替 苹果手表2019销量超瑞士手表

The Apple Watch outsold the entire Swiss watch industry in 2019. The Apple Watch sold 31 million units worldwide, while all Swiss watch brands combined sold 21 million units, according to research.

"People have accepted the Apple Watch as a solution that brings tech and fashion together," said Carolina Milanesi, a tech analyst at research firm Creative Strategies. Milanesi noted that Apple watches emphasize health and fitness while the Swiss watches are marketed as jewelry and fashion accessories. The company also benefits from its greater ecosystem of iPhone, iPad and other Apple-branded products.

Vincent Thielke, a research analyst at market research firm Canalys, pointed out that Swiss watches are about twice as expensive as Apple watches on average. So in terms of absolute US dollars generated, the Swiss watch industry outperformed Apple Watch last year. "Apple Watches have a much broader consumer base, including young customers and gadget lovers," said Thielke. "For these groups, it may be more important to adopt a smartwatch for technological or health reasons rather than because of an appreciation for timeless timepieces.'"


1.The Apple Watch outsold the entire Swiss watch by _______ in 2019.

A 10 million units

B 21 million units

C 31 million units

D 52 million units


2.People like Apple watches more because of their _______.

A jewelry and health

B fashion and health

C jewelry and fashion

D forever use and health

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段People have accepted the Apple Watch as a solution that brings tech and fashion together. Milanesi noted that Apple watches emphasize health and fitness...可知人们将苹果手表视为科技和时尚的结合体,也注重健康,故选B。

3.What is more important for young watch customers?

A Only health.

B Only technology.

C Timeless timepiece.

D Technology or health.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句For these groups, it may be more important to adopt a smartwatch for technological or health reasons rather than because of an appreciation for timeless timepieces.可知对手表年轻消费者来说,选购手表时,科技或健康因素也许比永恒更重要,故选D。

4.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A Swiss watches are popular all over the world.

B Swiss watches are more expensive than Apple Watches.

C Apple watches were sold more than Swiss watches.

D The Swiss Watch and the Apple Watch are both smartwatches.
