11岁男孩5年跑完美国50个州半马 创最年轻纪录
11岁男孩5年跑完美国50个州半马 创最年轻纪录

It’s not very often that a world record is broken in Des Moines, especially when the one isn’t even in high school. That’s exactly what Aiden Jaquez got at the IMT Des Moines Marathon on Sunday, and it’s five years in the making. 
Aiden Jaquez is an 11-year-old boy. He is the youngest person to run a half marathon in every state. He is smaller than most of the other runners at the marathon. He is weak in size, but he is rich in experience. He was in the 49 half-marathons before.
As of Sunday morning, he’s been in 50 half-marathons—one in each state. His first marathon was five years ago. He rode in a stroller while his grandma Kathleen Taylor pushed him along. From then on, he always keeps running.


1.Aiden Jaquez was good at ________.

A games

B study

C running

D riding

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句That’s exactly what Aiden Jaquez got at the IMT Des Moines Marathon on Sunday, and it’s five years in the making.以及第二段第二句He is the youngest person to run a half marathon in every state.可知,Aiden Jaquez五年时间坚持跑半程马拉松,是美国最年轻的选手,因此他擅长跑步,故选C。

2.The underlined word “experience” means ________ in Chinese.

A 活力

B 精神

C 耐力

D 经验

解析:选D。词义猜测题。根据文章第二段最后一句He was in the 49 half-marathons before.可知,他之前参加过49次半程马拉松,猜测他虽然身材矮小,但应该是一名经验丰富的跑步者,故选D。

3.When did Aiden start running?

A At the age of 5.

B At the age of 6.

C At the age of 8.

D At the age of 11.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句Aiden Jaquez is an 11-year-old boy.以及第三段第二句His first marathon was five years ago.可知,他的第一次马拉松是在五年前,所以他首次参赛年龄为11-5=6岁,故选B。

4.Who first took Aiden to the race?

A His father.

B His mother.

C His grandpa.

D His grandma.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段第三句He rode in a stroller while his grandma Kathleen Taylor pushed him along.可知,首次参赛他坐着婴儿车,而他的祖母Kathleen Taylor推着他走,故选D。