

Buddy the cute bull calf was taken into their family by Coral and Wayne Algie when he was just one day old. His mother died when she got stuck in a dam near the couple's farmhouse in New South Wales, Australia. They took Buddy in, and he became another puppy by an old dog Bada, who gave birth to 11 puppies. Now the calf is six weeks old, and he has already picked up some dog’s habits, including playing chase with his brothers and sisters, wagging his tail and snuggling up for a sleep.

Coral said, “Bada has really taken Buddy on as puppy number 12. He doesn't see himself as a calf. I think he sees himself as better than them. He looks at them, enjoying all the comfort. He's very content to live with the humans and the dogs.” Wayne and Coral discovered Buddy after trying to rescue his mother from a dam earlier this month. Coral said by the time they managed to get her out, she was too weak and died.

After his mother’s death, the calf quickly made himself popular with the couple's two children, Bella and Lawson because he liked joining in with their games. “Buddy runs beside the kids when they're on their bikes outside and he plays chase with Bella,” said Coral. Although Buddy has made himself part of the family, his house remains outside. But Buddy is given a home for life as Coral added, “He will always be our pet bull no matter how big he gets.”


1.Buddy was fed by ______ after being rescued.

A Coral

B Bada

C Wayne

D his mother

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句They took Buddy in, and he became another puppy by an old dog Bada, who gave birth to 11 puppies.和第三段Bada has really taken Buddy on as puppy number 12.可知,Bada把Buddy当成自己的第12只幼崽狗狗,即Bada负责照料Buddy,故选B。

2.Buddy learned some dog’s habits EXCEPT _______.

A running after each other

B lying very close to others

C enjoying sleeping alone

D wagging his tail

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句Now the calf is six weeks old, and he has already picked up some dog’s habits, including playing chase with his brothers and sisters, wagging his tail and snuggling up for a sleep.可知,巴迪养成了一些狗的习惯包括和其他的兄弟姐妹追逐嬉戏,摇尾巴,以及依偎在一起睡觉,文中未提及巴迪喜欢独自睡觉,故选C。

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A Buddy lives a comfortable but unhappy life.

B Buddy’s mother died before it was found.

C Coral saved Buddy’s mother out.

D Buddy might see himself as a dog.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第三段可知,Buddy并不认为自己是一头小牛,他享受着舒适环境,非常满足于与人类和狗一起生活。Wayne 和Coral在本月早些时候试图从水坝救出他的母亲,然后发现了巴迪。当他们设法把巴迪母亲救出来时,她因为太虚弱而去世了,故选D。

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A Buddy learned some tricks from Bella.

B Buddy will have a happy life till the end.

C Bella and Lawson always made fun of Buddy.

D Buddy was allowed to sleep inside the house.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句But Buddy is given a home for life as Coral added, “He will always be our pet bull no matter how big he gets.”可知,Buddy得到了一个终身的家,正如Coral补充道,“他永远是我们的宠物牛,不管他长到多大。”由此推测Buddy将拥有幸福的生活,直到生命的最后,故选B。